don t see how you can say anything other than he still has that kind of enthusiasm. kennedy: i think any democrat in the field would love to have the visual of that many people waiting eight hours until the rally begins, all congregating by the thousands outside of the venue. julie: it reminds me of lollapalooza when i was in florida. less mudslinging, but nonetheless. and people have their tops on. kennedy: for now! [laughter] charlie: but you have to be a rock star to be at lollapalooza, right? julie: and i don t have a guitar. meantime, 2020 democratic front runner joe biden making a bold prediction yesterday that if he s the nominee he can win in florida as well as other southern states the republicans have carried in recent elections. listen. i plan on campaigning in the south. if i m your nominee, winning georgia and north carolina, south carolina, believe it or not. i believe we can win texas and florida if you look at the polling data now. julie: charlie thought t
solt the junior staffers floating around the white house in junior positions, they re not scared because they don t know enough to be scared. that s way i d read it. your thinking. mueller is formidable, as you point out. he is all substance. he is no flash. he will indict a case or indict multiple cases if they should be indicted. he will feel no pressure to indict if the evidence doesn t lead him there. i think, though, what we re seeing is these white house junior staffers come for academy award and say they re not concerned is a public face. i would be very surprised if we saw people publicly announcing that they were concerned and thought that they were to be indi indicted. this is a little bit of a public relations strategy that is going on right now. ashley, could bit that the ones who are both who feel the most secure are the ones who weren t invited to the party? they didn t do any obstruction. they weren t invited to anything with collusion. they just weren t part of th
she was nuts. and so were a lot of them. they were just totally brainwashed. and they would do anything for him. i went up to the sacramento right after she aimed a gun at ford, and i talked to her. i said why did you do this, basically, oh, charlie thought that ford was nixon with another face. and we thought that we should do this. and it was her and sandra good, another follower, and they wound up in federal prison for a very long time. how did charlie direct this? he direct 80 of a jail cell, over a phone? how did he send his order to her to do that? i don t think he gave her a specific order. i think she came up with it on her own, but that he told her to do something. that s what he did with all of them. at the sharon tate house, he told people to do something witchy. and they took that to mean to kill everybody in the house.
there in terms of evangelical surprise. yeah. it was an interesting week. i was calling some evangelical pastors that previously supported judge moore and asked them has that support changed since we learned some of these allegations and what are your thoughts on the allegations. and the ones i reached, all of them have decided they still back the judge. and to a varying degree, they all were willing to make deep apologies for the judge either by totally dismissing the accounts of the accusers, or even saying if they were true, they would still vote for them because the thought of supporting a democrat for these evangelicals with those socially conservative views was just unthinkable. you know, ruth, it reminds me of the pennsylvania voters who voted for trump because they thought he was truly a pro-life kind of guy, even though they didn t like his lifestyle, to say the least. i actually think this is worse than that. either you disbelief an array of people, nine women who are t
staking out his daughter s house. one night there were some harleys that drove up. they knew exactly where they were going. they drove right up to the gate and they started climbing the gate. by then owner had guard dogs. the guard dogs came around and that was the only thing that stopped them. and sharon s dad knew they were too cocky, they knew exactly where they were going. he followed them to the ranch. right to manson s door step. tate notified the detectives about the suspicious bikers at the ranch but the lapd did nothing. it turns out another police department was already there, watching manson s every move. but they suspected him of auto theft. not murder. when the police swooped in a week after the murders, charlie thought, this was it. somehow they have figured it out.