WESTERN BUREAU: Ansord Hewitt, the director general of the Office of Utilities Regulation [OUR], is advising that a full assessment of all the factors in the successful implementation of fifth generation [5G] technology must be undertaken by sector.
As he creeps between rubble-strewn garages near the central square of Chasiv Yar, the eyes and ears of the reconnaissance commander are glued squarely to the overcast midday sky. Most of that, though, is unfolding at a distance, — around two and a half kilometers away to be precise — where Russian forces pound the residential neighborhood on the edge of the city. What bothers the commander, 41-year-old Andrii “Yankee,” more are not the sounds of explosions but of propellers; those belonging to the hundreds of drones, enemy and friendly, constantly surveying the battlefield.
“This piece is so close to my heart,” Jonathan Pasternack said. In his earliest memory of listening to music, there is Johannes Brahms. Throughout his boyhood, his parents filled the house with Johannes’ Brahms’ “German Requiem.” It was one of the Brahms masterworks Pasternack has loved ever since.