LONDON, ONT. There are growing calls for the resignation of Western University s chancellor, this time from the Society of Graduate Students. The group is calling for the immediate resignation of Chancellor Linda Hasenfratz, for her out-of-country travel over the winter holidays. The society is the third Western campus group to call for her resignation. The University of Western Ontario Faculty Association and the graduate teaching assistants union, PSAC Local 610, have already done so. And a university professor who is involved with graduation ceremonies has given up his role in protest of her travels. In an open letter on its website the society writes, Your choice to travel for pleasure is proof of your inability to continue to serve at Western University.
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I have some questions for the leaders of the Church of God in Aylmer.
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How are your actions and language deepening the relationship of your congregants with our Lord Jesus? How many people from outside of your congregation have chosen a relationship with the Lord because of your actions and language?
Is it not the responsibility of a church leader to set a Christ-like example to his flock and the world?
As Christians our actions and language should bring glory to God.
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A Western University professor has resigned his duties at the school’s graduation ceremonies in protest of Chancellor Linda Hasenfratz’s “reprehensible” December vacation amid a COVID-19 surge.
Calling it “the right thing to do,” biology professor Gregory Kelly said he could no longer serve as a marshal when in-person convocations resume because Hasenfratz, whose job includes overseeing the ceremonies, remains the school’s ceremonial leader.
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“It’s been festering in me,” Kelly, whose lab collected personal protective equipment for others last spring, told The Free Press on Monday. “When things get back to normality there will be a convocation in person. I will have to be right beside her.
LONDON, ONT. The union representing faculty members at Western University says Chancellor Linda Hasenfratz’s apology for travelling outside of Canada in December is ‘not good enough.’ The University of Western Ontario Faculty Association (UWOFA) is instead calling for her resignation. “This decision sends a terrible message to our students and will undermine Western’s reputation and credibility in the community,” said UWOFA President Beth MacDougall-Shackleton in a statement. Western University administration says Hasenfratz will not be asked to relinquish her role as the school’s chancellor. Instead the Board of Governors opted to censure her, saying in a statement released Sunday, Her actions did not demonstrate the respect for others and the integrity we expect from members of the Western community, especially our leaders.