STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION Montana-Dakota Utilities Co 2022 Electric Rate Increase Application Case No. PU-22-194 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING December 14, 2022 Please take notice that beginning on May 1, 2023, at 8:30 am central time the Commission will conduct a Public Hearing in the Commission Hearing Room on the 12th floor of the State Capitol at 600 East Boulevard Ave. in Bismarck, North Dakota. On May 16, 2022, Montana-Dakota Utilities Company (MDU) filed with the Commission an increase in rates for electric service. MDU’s proposed rates would result in an increase in its annual North Dakota electric service revenue of $25,365,558 or 12.3 percent. Interim rates subject to refund were approved on July 14, 2022. The issues to be considered in this matter are: 1. What is the value of MDU’s property, used and useful, for the service and convenience of the public in North Dakota? 2. What is MDU’s rate of return on its property, used and useful, for the service a
STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION Montana-Dakota Utilities Co. Case No. PU-22-401 Renewable Resource Cost Recovery Rates NOTICE OF OPPORTUNITY FOR HEARING November 30, 2022 On November 1, 2022, Montana-Dakota Utilities Co. (MDU) filed a change to its Renewable Resource Cost Adjustment (RRCA) rates. The new rates reflect projected costs through December 31, 2023, related to its investment in the Thunder Spirit Wind Project, Cedar Hills Wind Project, and Diamond Willow Wind Project, and reflect a projected over-collected balance of the current RRCA as of December 31, 2022. The effect of the rate change on the bill for a residential customer using 894 kWh is a decrease of $0.04 per month. The issues to consider in this proceeding are: 1. Whether the investments and associated costs for the resources qualify for recovery, 2. Whether the incurred costs are reasonable and prudent, and 3. Whether the rate adjustments are consistent with the terms of MDU’s tariff. Those interes
STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION Northern States Power Company Case No. PU-22-368 Renewable Resource Cost Recovery (2023) Rates NOTICE OF OPPORTUNITY FOR HEARING October 5, 2022 On September 19, 2022, Northern States Power Company (NSP) filed a request for approval of its 2023 Renewable Energy Rider (RER). The purpose of this rider is to recover, from NSP North Dakota electric customers, costs of renewable energy generation not presently reflected in retail rates. In this filing, NSP would recover costs of two new and two previously approved projects. The 2023 RER rate would be applied to all energy billed to each customer effective January 1, 2023. The RER rate would increase from $0.001856 per kWh to $0.002431 per kWh. As a result of the RER rate change, a residential electrical customer consuming 750 kWh per month would experience a bill increase of $0.43 per month. The issues to be considered in this proceeding are: 1. Whether the investments and associated costs for
STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION Otter Tail Power Company Economic Development Rates Case No. PU-22-367 NOTICE OF OPPORTUNITY FOR HEARING October 5, 2022 On September 16, 2022, Otter Tail Power Company (OTP) filed an application for approval of an electric service agreement with a new prospective customer. The agreement provides that the customer would take electric service from OTP under its Economic Development Rate Rider - Large General Service section 14.13. The issues to be considered in this proceeding are: 1. What is the value of OTP’s property, used and useful, for the service and convenience of the public in North Dakota? 2. What is a just and reasonable rate of return on OTP’s property, used and useful, for the service and convenience of the public in North Dakota? 3. What rates and charges are necessary to provide a just and reasonable rate of return on OTP’s property, used and useful, for the service and convenience of the public in North Dakota? 4. Are