STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION Montana-Dakota Utilities Co. Case No. PU-22-401 Renewable Resource Cost Recovery Rates NOTICE OF OPPORTUNITY FOR HEARING November 30, 2022 On November 1, 2022, Montana-Dakota Utilities Co. (MDU) filed a change to its Renewable Resource Cost Adjustment (RRCA) rates. The new rates reflect projected costs through December 31, 2023, related to its investment in the Thunder Spirit Wind Project, Cedar Hills Wind Project, and Diamond Willow Wind Project, and reflect a projected over-collected balance of the current RRCA as of December 31, 2022. The effect of the rate change on the bill for a residential customer using 894 kWh is a decrease of $0.04 per month. The issues to consider in this proceeding are: 1. Whether the investments and associated costs for the resources qualify for recovery, 2. Whether the incurred costs are reasonable and prudent, and 3. Whether the rate adjustments are consistent with the terms of MDU’s tariff. Those interes