about this. i sent the letter and it was essentially congress who leaked it. he knew that would happen. it took chaff fits less than a second, on his twitter page, investigation back open. never underestimate the self-preservation of a government employee. right. it could have been like sally yates. sally yates took the high road. he didn t. self-preservation. two different things. self-preservation. that s the thing. it seems important to distinguish good faith and bad faith critique. the bad faith he wanted donald trump to win. i don t think a lot of people think that. i don t believe that at all. i think have this phrase all the time. ackman chally bee said after iraq, we were heroes in error. i remember that phrase, we didn t mean to lie to people we just got it wrong. you could say he got it wrong, but what he got wrong if he got it wrong is a pretty big deal.
here in the white house here, john, what s the mood there? the reports are that jared kushner has been asked to put together an innovation plan and potentially in the next 15, 16, 17 days we might see that. it could mean some more rejiggering in the white house. what s the sense and the mood about how difficult they have had the first 72 or 73 days. they haven t had any wins. no, in terms of legislation it s virtually impossible to have a major win by the time we get to 100 days. as far as the mood inside the white house i think, you know, anyone who watches the briefings with sean spicer gets a sense of how testy and contentious things can be. and they re really looking for way ts to get on top of several narratives here. we had news that the deputy chief of chaff katie walsh was moving outside of the white house to an outside group to try and help shape, you know, the story from that angle.
and we may be seeing a hot dog comey right now because i understand if they said, we are willing to appear, but give us, comey and rogers time to prepare, but it just looks like comey is trying to say, you know what? i m not going to be responding to congress and the session, i don t know. but here s the deal. the fact of the matter is there is no rush to get this thing done if it is a matter of wait a couple days until the closed session with comey and rogers, then the majority and minority ought to be content to do that. the fact that the minority is throwing off all this chaff and saying these things i thought this was a great comment by adam schiff who i thought at the beginning, i don t trust him, i had personal experience with him that leads me to distrust him, but i thought he s trying to be an adult, but as time has gone on time he s gone to be less of a political adult. this was his response to the sally yates attorney. whether the white house desire
in the news media, and to some degree there are things he needs to look at, whether in fact the collection was proper or not. it sounds like nunes is still on trump s transition team instead of being chairman of the house intelligence committee. where is his allegiance to this bipartisan committee and investigation? i mean, that statement i think is just outrageous. i mean, it s difficult to imagine. what pieces of information would nunes have said i need to take to the president whose team is the very subject of this investigation? now, there s a lot of chaff going on, fred, about masking, was this illegal collection and all that sort of thing. but, you know, i think it s nothing more than just chaff at this point. hard to imagine what nunes was thinking when he said, yeah, i think i m going to take this to the president. steve hall, julian zelizer, thank you so much, appreciate it. ahead, authorities in ukraine investigating a shocking murder committed in broad daylight. the
was not user friendly. russian metadata meaning? meaning traces on the actual documents. you could tell there was russian language on it. it so you could tell it was the work of russian hackers? correct. now we re going to wikileaks timed on the eve of the convention, highly searchable user-friendly search function, we could very easily cull the wheat from the chaff in terms of the e-mails and reporters were able to very quickly search for the bernie e-mails or the dws e-mails. that got metastasized very quickly. you said in the earlier leak you talked to somebody who was an expert in these things who told you the russians were good at obtaining stuff but bad at deploying it for propaganda purposes. the second round, the second level of the attack cured that problem for them. correct. and the guccifer 2 persona claimed publicly to have given that information to wikileaks at the time.