before bringing a transport helicopter in to drop off the marines. right now you re seeing two ah-1 koefrs. these are attack helicopters. yesterday i went flying in a ch-53, one of the transport helicopters. i was with a number of marines. they touched down in the middle of a baseball field in a high school. marines came out of the helicopters and essentially set up a perimeter, a security perimeter around the helicopter to show how they would secure that area and let the helicopter safely take back off. one of the marines described how important these events are to the community. take a listen to what he said. events like this help educate america and the united states and the people who support us so much about what life is like in the military, what our job is actually like.
this person who was in gitmo. he was in libya involved in benghazi. this is a serious throat we re facing. not only can affect the homeland. think about russia a couple weeks ago, we were talking about that. that group of caucus emirates is considered westerners, including americans to be legitimate targets. we have to take the threat seriously and complacency is a killer and it will cost us. we can t say al qaeda is over there. it could be here once again. this is very serious threat and need to take it serious in 2014. jenna: peter, thank you very much. thank you for having me. jon: now a fox news alert and coast guard as well as navy ships are on the way to the scene of a crash of a navy ch-53 helicopter off the coast of virginia. it happened 18 miles offshore. the sea stallion, as you see here, one of the heavy lift stalwarts of the u.s. navy, the marine corps uses them, went
helicopter went down late this evening in southern afghanistan. it s believed there were casualties. there were no reports of enemy activity in the area at the time. the chopper was a ch-53. on the home front a lot of people are upset about the decision over who will build a new air force plane. correspondent william la jeunesse is following the story from los angeles. air force had the brazilian mate against the hawker at-6, manufacturered in the wichita factory. ceo, bill. we think the planes are 35% more extensive than our airplanes. the figures aren t available but they awarded the contract to brazil. it will cost this country 1200 high quality jobs. why are you selecting an inferior product that costs more, made outside the united states where the u.s. taxpayer dollars are buying it? the super takono, they say
them, has apparently crashed. six peace-keeping troops were aboard and have died and the taliban is claiming responsibility by sending a text message to cnn. and last night s debate. newt gingrich calls out the media, specifically john king, and he calls his ex-wife a liar. we re going to play all sorts of stuff for you this morning, get all sorts of answers and let people weigh in. talk about political heat. unbelievable stuff. and, also, and the story we ve been watching, the italian cruise ship where the rescue operations have been on and off is teetering eight feet from an underwater ledge that could drop that ship 200 feet down. and rough weather is moving in, so this is a bad combination. the italian authorities are trying to stop any kind of environmental disaster because of the fuel that s on board. an anonymous strikes again. a notorious group is claiming responsibility for shutting down the internet or actually some web sites. what could be the largest coord
took the spotlight. he was asking to have an open marriage and i refused. he wanted an open marriage? yeah. that i accept the fact that he has somebody else in his life. she says that you came to her in 1999, at a time when you were having an affair. she says you asked her, sir, to enter into an open marriage. would you like to take some time to respond to that? no, but i will. and i am frankly astounded that cnn would take trash like that and use it to open a presidential debate. i am tired of the elite media protecting barack obama by attacking republicans. joe johns is at the republican leadership conference where gingrich is speaking at this hour. joe, gingrich got a standing o when he was asked about that interview. reporter: yeah, he sure did. i mean, this is you can say a lot of things about it, but i think probably the most important thing to say, kyra, is that this is the south. this is newt gingrich s home base. if there s anywhere these charges have