The Consumer Electronics Show (CES) 2024 showcased groundbreaking electric vehicle (EV) concepts. Honda debuted the Saloon and Space-Hub models from its 0 Series. Kia revealed its Platform Beyond Vehicle (PBV) strategy with the Concept PV5, Concept PV7, and Concept PV1. VinFast Auto presented the VF Wild, an eco-friendly and innovative electric pickup truck. Hyundai introduced the MOBION EV with advanced e-Corner System motion technology.
It features a 2.88-inch touchscreen, a rotating camera for photos and videos, and a scroll wheel/button for navigation and communication with the built-in assistant.
This week CES 2024 took the centre stage, OpenAI launched the GPT Store, a Delhi-based startup introduced India s first official AI replica of Bollywood celebrity Sunny Leone, while some other advancemets took place.