Samajwadi Party president Akhilesh Yadav has finally hit back at the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) for its attack on him regarding nepotism and dynastic politics. Meanwhile, elections were held in 58 assembly constituencies spanning 11 districts in western part of Uttar Pradesh on Thursday, with over 2.28 crore registered voters, of which only 60.17 per cent turned up at poll
Get latest articles and stories on India at LatestLY. Only 93 of the 1,304 candidates in the fray for the February 20 Punjab Assembly polls are women, and another two are transgenders, according to officials. India News | Punjab Polls: 2.15 Cr Voters to Decide Fate of 1,304 Candidates on Feb 20.
Punjab chief electoral officer (CEO) S Karuna Raju on Tuesday asked political parties and contesting candidates to comply with the deadlines to publish criminal antecedents in newspapers and electronic media fixed by the Election Commission of India.
Three special observers of the Election Commission (EC) reviewed Punjab's preparedness on Friday for the February 20 state Assembly polls. They expressed satisfaction and confidence that the polls would be held in a free, fair and transparent manner, according to an official statement issued here. Meanwhile, BJP's JP Nadda will be addressing multiple rallies in Uttar Pradesh