shack. some of the recent ipos really hit as the broader market has bounced back from the worst losses of the year. when republican hopefuls meet on the stage tomorrow night, they will talk about the economy. ben carson is the only top candidate who says he is willing to raise the federal minimum. then immigration. donald trump wants to restrict it. finally, ceo pay. trump took a shot at sky high pay for ceos and hedge fund managers. mark cuban says he could crush donald trump in a presidential election. he said he could beat frontrunner hillary clinton. i think the conformity the candidates on the issues will make it easier for any democratic nominee not named hillary. i think she had lost her shot.
abroad. the gender gap appears to be closing at least when it comes to ceo pay. a usa today report found female ceos make on average $18.8 million a year while male ceos make almost $13 million a year on average. my next guest says women leaders are worth it. no. what do you mean no? there is no no. no. you re making a mistake, paul. when you walk out of here i won t think of you again. every time you see graffiti you are dead to me. that is investor and entrepreneur kevin o leary from the cnbc show shark tank known as mr. wonderful on the show. kevin joins me now. i hope i m not dead to you now. absolutely not, alex. i m happy to be here with you today.
i think the political divide gets to government has to somehow do something to close that gap. i mean, government can, but i think the most important thing is for ceos, executives, to understand that there s an enormous talent pool at entry level positions, enormous pool of talent for people who aren t particularly educated or experienced. and those people have extraordinary character, and at chipotle we try to find that character and bring them in at entry level pogs and quickly move them up through the ranks. we had 9,000 promotions to management and four to executive team dreshther positions and these are people who make extraordinary amounts of money but also oversee as many as 5,000 people each and each of them having come through the ranks wants to deliver that same opportunity to everyone who is coming in and it s a circle. carly, is ceo pay something that s hurting morale in a lot of companies if they see a disconnect? i think ceo pay has to be
unemployed is they re not coming from industries that are growing, and they don t have the skills to move into those industries. christine, i would add something to this. there was a front page story in the wall street journal friday that talked about the regional, difference in terms of the growth in regions. save a promotion. what my book is about. the fact that you re seeing real growth in the southern states, and some of the mountain states, you know, my son is graduating from college, as you know. he can t find a job. i said, look, justin, if you want a job, move to texas. you can get a job in five minutes in texas. a lot of states where the economy is booming. i think it has to do with the policy differentials. the region really get creamed right now is the northeast, where you live. new york has lost more jobs than any other state. yeah, and home prices in the most recent case, home prices fell in new york, one of the few regions. two key reports on ceo pay. average ceo ma
comments but people wondering, accord i according to foshs even if you look at ceo pay, folks who are good negotiators, even if you look at ceo pay, women are earning 80% of what men earn. so there s clearly more to it than just negotiation skills. just for your audience, why women get paid less than men has been the subject for economists for the past 30, 40 years. and the answer is still the same. as our data gets better, productivity differences, but a good 20% to 30% of the pay gap is due to just plain pay discrimination. you can see a the lot of studies show that motherhood particularly plays a role in that. laura, turning to this race, you ve been covering closely. you ve been covering these comments really closely, is