Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal criticized Prime Minister Narendra Modi for the rising prices in the country. Kejriwal listed the freebies his administration had provided in Delhi and blamed Modi for the price hike. He accused the government of looting the state exchequer and waiving loans for friends. Kejriwal also claimed that the Prime Minister lacks education and narrated a story to highlight his point.
Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Saturday attacked Prime Minister over price rise, saying it was the result of the "open" loot going on in the country. Addressing a rally in Gwalior of Madhya Pradesh, where Assembly elections are due by the year-end, he also narrated the story of a “fourth class pass” king whom he said God unseated. Incidentally, Modi was addressing a
New Delhi, Feb 16: Union Home Minister Amit Shah asserted on Thursday that 2023 will be a significant year for the Delhi Police as it will have to stay alert for the upcoming G20 summit, which will be attended by dignitaries from across the world. Speaking at the 76th Raising Day parade of the Delhi Police, Shah also paid tributes to Assistant Sub-Inspector (ASI) Shambhu Dayal, who was stabbed to death by a snatcher in west Delhi’s Mayapuri last month. […]
The central government led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi is working to boost employment creators so that more jobs are created in India, External Affairs minister S Jaishankar said on Friday.