29500 doses of Covishield vaccine reaches Karnataka s Kalaburagi
Official sources said that 8 centres have been chosen in Kalaburagi district, 6 centres at Bidar, 6 centres at Raichur and 5 centres at Yadgir district for first day of vaccination drive.
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Kalaburagi DHO Dr Rajashekhar Mali and RCHO Dr Mankar carry boxes of Covishield vaccine doses. (File photo| EPS)
Express News Service
KALABURAGI: 29500 doses of Covishield vaccine (of 0.5 ml each) produced by Pune (Maharashtra) based Serum institute of India (SII) have reached Kalaburagi from Bengaluru on Thursday at 11 am amid police protection.
Kalaburagi DHO Dr. Rajashekhar Mali, RCHO Dr Mankar and staff of the DHO office were present in the old DHO office where at cold storage lab is presently existing to receive the container carrying Covishield vaccine by offering Puja.