And Villa Grove and 105.7 f.m. In Canyon City for questions or comments please call 719-473-4801 during regular business hours you can always become a member of k. Or c c by going to k. Or c c dot au r.g.p. And making your financial contributions safely on line. B.b.c. World Service it s 5 hours g.m.t. Welcome to Weekend with Julia Morgan. The headline this hour Israel says it has completed an operation to rescue Syrian civil defense workers from a war zone in southern Syria we ll hear the latest on the broader situation in the region we are trying to help but it s not so we can we can no longer support these people and the median age in many African countries is about 17 to 20 so these leaders are thinking Well yes for taking on debt today but in 10 years time and we re going to have all these working age people President Xi Jinping is all a tour of Africa we take a look at China s multi-billion dollar program of loans and investment in the continent that s all here on Weekend. First
We believe that this is a place where you can encounter a risen alive God and if you if you encounter that Risen alive God and He hooks his life up to yours you re going to experience life on a whole new level you re going to experience life in H. D. . Because I ve come that you have a life in life more abundantly that Greek word for life that Jesus uses his own way it s not the Greek word bias which we get things which word biology Byock speaks of life kind of on a on a mere inhaling exhaling level doesn t say that I ve come that you would have by a he says I ve come but you would have 0 way so it speaks of a of a life on a qualitative level the problem with the bay and the problem with the world is we have far too many people who have buy offs but not so way. God says that I ve come that you would live a life that goes beyond cars that goes beyond zip codes that goes beyond things and possessions that you would experience ultimate meaning in life and that kind of meaning can only be
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