We believe that this is a place where you can encounter a risen alive God and if you if you encounter that Risen alive God and He hooks his life up to yours you're going to experience life on a whole new level you're going to experience life in H. D. . Because I've come that you have a life in life more abundantly that Greek word for life that Jesus uses his own way it's not the Greek word bias which we get things which word biology Byock speaks of life kind of on a on a mere inhaling exhaling level doesn't say that I've come that you would have by a he says I've come but you would have 0 way so it speaks of a of a life on a qualitative level the problem with the bay and the problem with the world is we have far too many people who have buy offs but not so way. God says that I've come that you would live a life that goes beyond cars that goes beyond zip codes that goes beyond things and possessions that you would experience ultimate meaning in life and that kind of meaning can only be found in an intimate personal relationship with Jesus Christ now if you're here today you don't know Christ as Lord and Savior that line may have just offended you because you maybe go wait a minute Brian what are you saying here are you saying that outside of Christ I can't really experience ultimate meaning. It's exactly what I'm saying and I don't say that to be contentious and I do think that you can experience meaning to a certain degree outside of Christ but those lesser meanings will never give you ultimately satisfaction those lesser meanings will never stretch you where your soul itches if you want example of that if you don't know Christ as Lord and Savior I think there's a book in the Bible if I was sharing my faith with a person in the bay and they were interested in kind of trying to figure out what the Word of God is all about the 1st place I would take them is that Leviticus the 1st place I would take him is actually the Book of Ecclesiastes these the book of Ecclesiastes is written by a guy named Solomon he had a start up called the Nation of Israel he is over the nation of Israel he made billions and billions of dollars in fact scholars say in today's dollars He's the richest King to have ever lived and yet here he is in the book of Ecclesiastes sees it's his memoirs it's a painfully dark book and he surveys all of his possessions all of his chariots the 26 interim C put on it all of his stuff and you know he says vanity of vanity you know that means meaningless. Empty it didn't satisfy some of your like. At least let me experience that in my own right at least let me make a couple $1000000000.00 And let me let me just find that out on my own he's not anti Well but what he is saying is look if you're ultimately aim in life is to find satisfaction in the things of this life you're going to be sorely disappointed in fact if you're here today and you don't know Christ as Lord and Savior I think part of the very reason why you're here today speaks to the fact that you're kind of discontented if you were really good with this life why would you come here. John D. Rockefeller the great early 20th century oil tycoon was once asked the question this billionaire how much more money can you make John and he smiled and said one dollar more. Do you hear the discontent there if there's a message Americans need to hear if there's a message we here in the bay need to hear alternate satisfaction cannot be found in what school you graduated from and the letters behind your name and the zip code in which you live in your position in your company in your startup all to meet satisfaction can be only found in one place and one person only his name is Jesus Christ. So we embark on a series in really this series today is practically exploring this idea of meaning and value in significance let me say one more thing before I get to Joshua. All of us love a good story it's love a good story in fact you know yesterday I'm reading this book called Devil in the grove it's a phenomenal book won the Pulitzer Prize it's about Thurgood Marshall kind of before he becomes a Supreme Court justice and just this incredible spellbinding case that he deals with down in Florida it's a miscarriage of justice I'm sitting on my back porch last night and before I know it I've read 100 pages it's a page turner I just can't put this thing down all of us love a story that's why we we got Amazon just kind of living at our house or or that's the reason why we go to the movies all the time that's the reason why we binge watch our favorite Netflix story. Shows we just love a good story but God hasn't created us to get lost in someone else's story. He wants to write a story in our own lives in fact it's bigger than that not only is he wanted to write a story into our own lives but when God saved us what he did was is he pulled us into his story. Where he's the star not you at best you're a 2 bit extra. Jesus Christ is the star and every great story look at it with me on the screen and we learned this in elementary school every great story kind of has these 4 movements there's there's rising action then along the way there's there's this thing of conflict there's this collision between good and evil typically then there's a climax or or or victory and then there's falling action and resolution if I had more time and I tell you this is exactly the way the Gospel is set up in fact maybe I'll get to that at the end of our time today now we come to the Book of Joshua and I want to show you this exactly what's happening in the Book of Joshua this framework is at work and so I want to I want to give you this fourfold framework in the Book of Joshua It is the people of God on their way to experiencing meaning in life and we're going to discover as we walk through this story that what God is doing to the people of God and in the story of Joshua he wants to do in your life in my life as well but this next image on the screen I want you to see this is how the book of Joshua is broken down chapters one through 5 it is it is rising action and in fact if there's one word that sums up chapters one through 5 it is the word faith I'm going to impact each of these 4 points with us later on in our time of study of God's word this morning but there's a defining moment in the opening chapters were God says I'm going to position you to trust me you're going to have to cross the Jordan River this is a defining moment where they step out on faith that now leads in chapter 6 through 12 to the next theme of the Book of Joshua It is the theme of fighting they don't have to learn how to fight the Book of Joshua is a bloody book 15 corporate battles are happening we're going to peel back some of these battles and we're going. Realize that just as God called his people back then defy that when you made the decision to follow Christ that is not a decision in which your life all of a sudden goes into cruise control if any preacher tries to tell you that the Christian life is easy turn off the radio turn off the television leave that church that is not the Christian life the Christian life is about battles but what makes the Christian experience different is we don't fight on our own we've got a God who fights with us and for us. Chapters 13 to 21 the longest section the Book of Joshua right on the heels of faith and fight is now blessing they come through these battles and God says on the other side of battle on the other side of these conflicts on the other side of these fights I now have good things laid up for you I want to bless you and finally the Book of Joshua ins with a call to remember Joshua now is in the winter years of his life and he's calling the people of God who are now resting in the blessings of God not to forget the goodness of God often times seasons of prosperity because spiritual amnesia that's to able let me give it to you again often times seasons of prosperity can cause spiritual amnesia so here they are basking in the blessings in Joshua as an old man and he saying Remember God or remember God Remember God alright let me walk through these 4 things with us will take communion and we can hang out on the parking lot a little bit let me walk through it with us Book of Joshua begins chapter one. God makes a call to the nation of Israel in fact the Book of Joshua This is at to in the collective corporate narrative history of the Nation of Israel act one was God delivering them from the Egyptian opening up the Red Sea in a miraculous way and taking them through the wilderness but the problem here I want you to listen to that is just about everyone who experience God opening up the Red Sea has now died God is saying now to their children and grandchildren you can no longer ride on the coat tails of Big Momma's faith. It's time for you to experience God on your own if you're a follower of Jesus Christ and maybe your parents are followers of Jesus Christ God is not into giving you a hand me down faith he wants to position you so that you must trust God for yourself and have your own story of God's faithfulness in how he came through not just for your mama and not just for Big Mama and what DIA but how he came through for you. So now God says just as your parents and grandparents had to trust me to do the miraculous Now I'm going to position you to where you have to trust me and do the miraculous now right on the heels of that call look at what the people of Israel and how they respond in Joshua chapter one verse 1618 look at what they say and they answer Joshua all that you have commanded us we will do and wherever you send us we will go just as we obeyed Moses in all things so we will obey you. Only May the Lord your God be with you as he was with Moses whoever rebels against your command and disobeyed your words whatever your you whatever you command him shall be put to death only be strong and courageous How do they respond to got saying I'm going to put you in this situation where you're going to have to trust me they respond by courageous obedience listen to me listen to me I want you get this word. God is trying to establish a story in your life. He's established a story maybe if you came from a spiritual home in your parents' lives or in your cousins lives but God wants to write a story in your life any great story listen to me has what I call defining moments. These are moments in life where God will position you to where the call that he has for you you don't have in your own of billet the capability or resources what you need on your own to fulfill what God is calling you to do that there is a gap between human ability and divine call when that happens I call that your own Jordan River experience when that happens you're going to have to make up in your mind either I'm going to trust God in an extraordinary way for him to pull off a miracle in my life the way he did in the Book of Joshua one will quit. Any story worth reading. Has a defining moment or moment. Well that individual is going to have to say I can't get there on my own but I will have to lift up my own eyes to the hill from which cometh my help knowing that my help comes from the Lord that I am going to have to trust Him These are what I call defining moments and listen to me the God that we serve in the Book of Joshua This ain't just History Channel stuff it's the same God who is alive and pulling off the same miracles and wants to do those same miracles in our heart and life today will you trust him. So these are defining moments if I just kind of give you kind of some examples from history I mean it's it's Julius Caesar crossing the Rubicon and we love that story it's a defining moment it's to explore Cortez coming to the new world in he's got a battle on his hands and him gone burned the boat burned the ships we ain't going back defining moment. If you've ever read Taylor Branch's I mean if you do nothing else if you will in the civil rights movement you've got to Taylor Branch's trilogy on the civil rights movement in this trilogy talks about Dr Martin Luther King Jr in his twenty's passion little church down among gunnery he one plan on being an activist kind of gets sucked into the mud Gomery Improvement Association of Montgomery bus boycott here he is 2526 years of age all of a sudden next thing he knows he's leading this movement in the next thing he knows his house gets bombed here is young preacher fresh out of out of Similary in ministry young family and Dr King the way Taylor Branch tells it he's shaken to its core and he's added sign up for this and he was thinking about quitting. Defining Moment. I mean he quits. No legacy there's no streets called Dr Martin Luther King Jr Boulevard by the way those are always in the hood I just understand that but. But because he made up his mind I'm a walk through my Jordan River with God leading me and helping me that's why we still talk about. If you want to leave a legacy you can't be a quitter you got to trust God with your defining moment but way of application let me just let me just give you 2 of mine. You know I still remember. Graduating from college and you know Dad I've told you the story after my 1st semester freshly or college that looked at me and said you said you know what. I could have your mother I could afford to pay for all your college but we don't think that's healthy for your development as a man and so you know come up with 25 percent to ition and I don't care how you do it he said if you have sell drugs sell drugs whatever it is. You come up 25 percent he was being facetious of course by the way my sister's in it same deal I mean my parents paid for everything and they got a stipend I'm still bitter over that. So. So you know here I go on this on this journey and then I grabbed it from college and I could crack a joke to my dad and go and you know I'm going to grad school down hope in the bank of Crawford Karen the Ritz will be still open at 75 percent deal be nice that's it's funny you should mention that man college is me you and Jesus grad school is you and Jesus put in for you. So that a couple years later we're going to 6000 person Church in Charlotte North Carolina my wife and I just bought a bought a house got all of a sudden couple months later goes I'm calling you to plan a church in Memphis Tennessee want you to plant this multiethnic church in the most difficult place in the country I want to wish you would've told me that before we closed on our house and you know we sell our house my wife and I lose $13000.00 on the sale of the house we're thinking OK God we're trusting you on this we we moved there defining moment. I'm leaving a steady paycheck most church plants fail. Well from 26 people to living room. I was there for 12 years and we left over 2000 people come in defining moment never missed a paycheck defining moment I wasn't going to live calls me live on the Upper West Side of Manhattan and in I just explored the history the church the finances all this stuff you guys most you guys know this stuff better than me I'm not the savior of this church is one Savior Jesus Christ and be really clear on that. But what gave me the courage. To cross the Jordan River and to come out here well because God is like batten of 1000 in my life he is like 150 and oh and by life he's never lost the battle I've never missed a meal never met missed a paycheck that the word is shrew if you're going I don't have stories like that in my life maybe you're not trusting God like that in your life. So if you think being a Christian means play it safe play it easy. So what is God doing he's saying I'm writing a story in each of your lives and you follow me there's going to be some Jordan River experience. Where you can't get there on your own. Pastor Brian Ritz with today's inspired to live radio broadcast. From everyone here at abundant life we want to thank you for spending time with us today on inspired to live it's an honor and a blessing for us to bring you these daily programs and we are so grateful for all of our radio listeners and if you've been blessed by the show today and we would love to hear from you and here's how you can contact us. The mailing address for Abundant Life Christian Fellowship is 2440 Leghorn St and Mountain View California 94043. The church office telephone line is area code 650-625-1500 you can also find us through the ale C.F. Website that A L C F dot net where you can find out more about Pastor Brian get information on our service times and view our calendar of upcoming events. We have lots of weekly activities here to fund in life and we would love for you to join us again for more information on these and everything else happening here at abundant life just check out our website at A.O.L. C.F. Dot net. Well we hope that you can join us again next time as we continue our journey through the Old Testament book of Joshua but until then I'm your host Kevin Reeves and on behalf of Pastor Brian and everyone here at abundant life pushing fellowship May the Lord richly bless you and thanks for listening. This is Kevin Reeves your host of the inspired to live radio broadcast with some updates from Pastor Brian what's happening here at abundant life throughout resurrection weekend. First we hope that you can join us for our Good Friday Communion services on Friday March 30th the 1st service will be at 12 noon and a 2nd at 7 pm. Both services will offer a special remembrance of Jesus's death and burial through worship a short message from Pastor Brian the communion offered at both the nude and 7 pm services again that's the Good Friday community service is here to fund it live Friday March 30th the 1st service at 12 noon and the 2nd at 7 pm. Then on Sunday April 1st at 10 am our resurrection Sunday service here abundant life we hope that you can invite family friends or neighbors to this family friendly celebration of the resurrection of our Lord Jesus the service will feature Our don't choir and our children's choir a special message from Pastor Brian as well as baptisms So if your new believer or someone who has read dedicated your life to the Lord recently and haven't been water baptized be sure to sign up at ale C.F. Dot net slash sign ups or you can do so on the Gail C.F. App on your smartphone or tablet device again that's our resurrection Sunday service Sunday April 1st attend am We hope to see you there. 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Chuck Swindoll is sponsored by INSIGHT for this on AM 1100 K. F. A X. During his ministry sometimes Jesus stepped into territory that made the religious zealots nervous they didn't like it for instance when Jesus fraternized with down and outers who failed to meet their impossible standards but that didn't stop pieces from showing compassion to those on the fringe today on INSIGHT for living checks went all sites an occasion when Jesus cross cultural barriers and spoke to a woman from some area without compromising his integrity whatsoever he spoke the truth in love and she would never be the same title Today's message water for a thirsty woman. I'll be reading John chapter 4 verses one through 42 in order to set the pulled context of this remarkable story so please join me as I read from the New Living Translation beginning at verse one of John 4 Jesus knew the pharaohs he's had heard that he was baptizing and making more disciples than John though Jesus himself didn't baptize them his disciples did so he left Judea and returned to Galilee he had to go through some area on the way eventually he came to the Samaritan village of psychotic near the field that Jacob gave to his son Joseph. Jacob's well was there in Jesus tard from the long walk so that we're really beside the will about noon time soon a Samaritan woman came to draw water and Jesus said to her please give me a drink he was alone at the time because his disciples had gone into the village to buy some food the woman was surprised for Jews refused to have anything to do with Samaritan's she said to Jesus you are a Jew and I am a Samaritan woman why are you asking me for a drink Jesus replied If you only knew the gift God has for you and who you were speaking to you would ask me and I would give you living water but sir you don't have a rope or a bucket she said and this well is very deep per would you get this living water and besides do you think your greater than our ancestor Jacob who gave us this well how can you offer better water that he and his sons and his animals enjoyed Jesus replied Anyone who drinks this water will soon become thirsty again but those who drink the water I give will never be thirsty again it becomes a fresh bubbling spring within then giving them eternal life please sir the woman said give me this water then I'll never be thirsty again and I won't have to come here to get water. Go and get your husband Jesus told her. I don't have a husband the woman replied Jesus said you're right you don't have a husband for you have had 5 husbands and you weren't even married to the man you're living with now you certainly spoke the truth sir the woman said You must be a prophet so tell me why is it that you Jews insist that Jerusalem is the only place to worship while we Samaritans claim it is here at Mount kerosine where our ancestors worshiped Jesus replied Believe me dear woman the time is coming when it will no longer matter whether you worship a father on this mountain or in Jerusalem you Samaritans know very little about the one you worship what we Jews know all about Him for salvation comes through the Jews but the time is coming indeed it is here now when true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth the father is looking for those who will worship him that way for God is Spirit so those who worship Him must worship in spirit and in truth the woman said I know the Messiah is coming the one who is called crimes when he comes he will explain everything to us then Jesus told her I am the Messiah Just then his disciples came back they were shocked to find him talking to a woman but none of them had the nerve to ask what do you want with her or why are you talking to her. The woman left her water jar beside the well and ran back to the village telling everyone to come and see a man who told me everything I ever did could he possibly be the Messiah so the people came streaming from the village to see him meanwhile the disciples were urging Jesus Rabbi eat something but Jesus replied I have a kind of food you know nothing about it does someone bring him food while we were gone the disciples ask each other Did Jesus explain my nourishment comes from doing the will of God who sent me and from finishing his work you know the saying for months between planting and harvest but I see wake up and look around the fields are already right for harvest the harvesters or pay good wages and the fruit they harvest is people brought to eternal life what Joy awaits both the planter and the Harvester alike you know the saying one plants and another harvests and it's true I sent you to harvest where you didn't plant others had already done the work and now you would get together the harvest many Samaritans from the village believed in Jesus because the woman had said he told me everything I ever did when they came out to see him they begged him to stay in their village so he stayed for 2 days long enough for many more to hear his message and believe. Then they said to the woman now we believe not just because of what you told us but because we have heard him ourselves now we don't know that he is indeed. The savior of the world. You're listening to insight for a living. To search the Scriptures with Chuck Swindoll be sure to download his searching the scriptures studies by going to Insight dot org slash studies another message called water for a thirsty wommen look at verse 7 he said to her Give me a great mom not only did he look at her which was a no no he talked to heard and he said to her would you get me a great Her response was defensive she said to him in verse 9 How is it that you being a Jew ask me for a during its i'm a Samaritan what am I. Now Jesus simply said Get me a group uses of the day. But we don't document Souther that's that's the code but Jesus did not retaliate that's a beautiful card he did not retaliate he simply responded by appealing to our curiosity verse 10 he said it if you knew the gift of God and who it is who says to you give me a drink. You would have ask him. And he would it given you water that he is living water the syntax the way it's constructed in the original input sizes the adjective little he would have offered you water I mean the living com. Now what he appealed he let me appeal to her curiosity he said off my good woman if you only knew the gift and the giver is the only realize what living water could do for you all you would have you would have gotten a drink as soon as I asked for it her response is sarcasm verse 11 sir. You have nothing to draw with in the world as D. Where then do you get that living water same construction water I mean the living come you are not greater than our father Jacob are you who gave us the well. And drank from it himself and his sons and his cattle and Jesus came right back an appeal to her desire. First her kindness. Then her curiosity and now her desire he said to her 1st 13 everyone who drinks of this water so thirst again but whoever drinks of the water I should give him still never There's no notice what he says but the water ice who get it so they come in him a little waters bringing up to eternal life she did not hear him refer to eternal she didn't come up plug into the idea of water in him. She was strictly talking about physical law look at her response. To thing she said Sir give me this water so I will not be thirsty nor come all the way here to draw Now did Jesus know her situation absolutely. Jesus knew that she was a woman who had lived a life of promiscuity but she was a nonbeliever. She was a woman who had never given herself to God that kind of lifestyle is to be expected of the law and this woman is no exception he said call your husband now I think Jesus is something like the attorney who has a portfolio of facts and drops a question on the witness knowing from the facts in his portfolio that he's about to present what the answer should be and so he asks the question and wait with that quiet since of absolute knowledge. I have the facts on you though he said to her call you call your husband she responds by changing the subject is out of heaven. No that was the truth she did she said I'm not married I'll never have. And she thought Little did you know the whole story. Little thing you know. We all have secrets that we jealously guard don't we some of you look at me this morning like you don't but I know that you do I have some in my past and I'm ashamed you have some in your past some of us were worse than others but we're all grateful that those things are under the blind sometimes. We fear that they'll be found out let's face it in time we live with that shattered deep sense of insecurity what we're not by God because we can handle that but with man with woman this was brought home to me in an illustration that I I saw actually some time ago in the newspaper. A couple. A couple actually when into a chicken dinner place they were going to they ordered to 2 dinners they were going to take it down to Newport Beach and sit down and enjoy it in the afternoon sun and so. In one of those Kentucky Fried Chicken places there in Long Beach he got a he made his order and he got the sack back and walked out me took off and inadvertently there had been pass to him the proceeds of the day $825.00 in cold cash and when he sat down at the beach to eat a chicken dinner he opened the back and thought Oh rather look more than chicken There there of mine in there but he is a rare color you know what he did roll a sack back up to her when I got back in the pickup to a wall away back to Long Beach and said you made a mistake in the meantime they had contacted the police. They were just frightened to death and they all met This is great thanks very much we want to tell the police we want to one out there that there are a few honest people that is no don't do that the woman I'm with is not my why. Is it interesting that on the surface there's honesty. But underneath. There is corruption. The woman said. I don't have a husband she changed the subject. Didn't Jesus appeal to her conscience. Look at verse 17 you have well said I have no husking you told the truth you have no husband that's right for you have had 5 me literally and the one whom you now have is not your husband. This you have said through you know I am so impressed with the fact he did not condemn her he didn't agree with that wife style but he did not marry her he said you told the truth I commend you the man you have is not your husband he's the cynics and along the line of that kind of life. She responded by controversy 0 ish even look at how she him a guilty conscience that would face up to it turns to a controversy elation she said to him Sir. I perceive that you are proper and speaking of that we worship at Mount heresy and the Jews worship the Jerusalem now which do you think is right should men worship a girl's dream here in some area or should they go words of Jerusalem the Jewish center ever had that happen. Sure you have well. Do you really believe there's a hell or. All at stake in of of of God and religion do you think about transcendental meditation or yoga you think yoga would really be a good thing for me or the Eastern religion or now take that Bible you've been talking about the bio isn't the word of man or the Word of God. Or as one fellow said to me recently you know I'm I'm Jewish. I'm a will big deal friend your you still have needs but was His desire was to get me off in the whole area of the Jewish way of life Look this woman said Now where should we worship what should we do what do you believe about radical theology is God dead are dead are just remotes. Well God what do you believe about New York the doxy. Now do I mean by this that we're not to have answers I don't mean that I'm saying when you are witnessing the last person when under conviction will skirt to an issue that will get you all Jesus did not get all he drove right home and appealed after she responded with this controversy Elise you he appealed to her will the 6th response of Jesus is he a peals to her we'll look at him he said one believe me. 3 things you're to believe 1st. Earthly location isn't important in eternity that's verse 21 an hour is coming when neither in this mountain or give us all on will you worship what eternity dawns this world will be passed away will have no significance Don't get hung up with where we're going to worship 2nd the object of worship is also important he said to her in verse 22 you don't even know whom you worship we know God has been pleased to reveal his plan through the Jew We know we know the object of worship and thirdly he said to her God speaks through worshipers verse $23.00 the kind that come to Him in spirit and in true after the appeal to her will you notice her response it's the sharpest arrow in the enemy's quiver delay she says to him in verse $25.00 on I know I know that Messiah is coming and when that one comes he will declare all these things to the knowledge. I want to put that aside for a while and later when I have the time and realize that Messiah has come then I'm interested you know your Bible you know that sounds just like Felix the last few verses of Acts Chapter 24 where he told Paul now when I have a convenient season you go away for the present time and when I find them out call you back and the very next few verses say 2 years later Paul has contacted the sharpest dart of the enemy is put it off go away and she says she used it right here Jesus declared to her in the 26 verse I am he now the passage has built toward a climax maybe you have sensed it he begins with this appeal to her kindness and he's built all the way to the appeal to her will and he said believe me. And guess what happened he said to her I am the Messiah and the disciples came back with a lunch when you look at Burns 27 at this point. The disciples. And the. Group that it was not written on their very says it says they didn't say. What are your 3 are want to talk with her but it was written. Better have that happen oh surely you have a witness birthrights you have come to that strategic moment in palmar the whole area. For Christ and the person is just about ready to make a decision and interruption. It happens it happens just prior to being. Jesus risked his reputation and spoke to this woman in need in doing so he offered a tutorial on evangelism for the ages and there's much more to learn from his conversation you're listening to insight for a living and a message from Chuck Swindoll titled water for a thirsty woman in this final week in the month of March it's one of my last occasions to highlight one of our evangelistic ministries that extends far beyond American borders if you've been following along you know that we've been offering a cool couple of living water to men and women who speak the Arabic language and here's how many years ago Chuck appointed Charlie Koster to serve as our Arabic language pastor in the Middle East from Lebanon Charlie voices our broadcast translates printed resources and oversees our Arabic language website an app technology that gives us the potential to reach 420000000 Arabic speakers worldwide the goal of this effort is to bring living water to people from all walks of life and magine what would happen if the leavers banded together and supported Charlie in this effort. Can you even imagine a world where every Arabic speaker knows God's grace well in the final week of March we want to make that goal a reality it begins when you send a gift that goes above and beyond your usual generosity as a result of your gift anyone with a mobile device can hear Chuck's teaching in the Arabic language and when you give a donation of any amount today you're invited to request checks brand new devotional book called God's word for you it comes with our Thanks Just call 180-772-8888 or go online to Insight dot org If you prefer send your request to incite for living Post Office Box 5000 Briscoe Texas 75034 bets Post Office Box 5000 Prisco Texas 75034 when you give be sure to specifically mention that you'd like a copy of Chuck's windows devotional God's word for you call 180-772-8888 or go online to INSIGHT for. Blue riders. Who waterfalls cascading from Forest did not inside find rest and beauty as you vacation with Chuck Swindoll June 30th through July 7th 2018 on the insight from living ministries cruise to Alaska when was the last time you lingered at the balcony of a cruise liner or counted bald eagles sitting in towering trees along the shore of probably never until now. This is the time to breathe deep and create memories get away to a spectacular place that points you vividly towards your Creator you and your loved ones or set sail with us for a week of cruising laughter fun the study of God's Word with friends from Insight from a joint Chuck Swindoll for an Alaskan cruise June 30th through July 7th 2018 to learn more call 188-844-7044 extension 4 That's 188-844-7044 extension 4 or visit insight dot org slash events the insight for living tour to Alaska is paid for and made possible by only those who choose to attend I'm Dave Speicher be sure to join us Tuesday when Chuck Swindoll concludes his message called water for a thirsty women right here on INSIGHT for living. 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That's the American Center for Law and Justice we focus on the critical issues that matter most to you and your family Aseel Jay chief counsel Jay Sekulow whether it's presenting arguments before the U.S. Supreme Court or engaging in the halls of Congress for more than a quarter of a century the A.C.L. Jay's been on the front lines protecting our values and constitutional freedom there's no better place to get the facts the truth about the most important issues of the day than at the AC O.J. Website you can listen to more daily radio broadcasts watch her television show get the latest news and insight on vital issues even support the work of the AC alter at the American Center for Law and Justice we don't just talk about the issues we take action to defend our values and our constitutional freedoms join this online at the American Center for Law and Justice at E.C. L.J. Going to work. Here's a renewing your mind of minute with Dr R.C. School 2. There's not a big No 5 bone in your body that is there inherently and intrinsically you came from the dust and there's not a whole lot of dignity in the dust but your destiny is glory because out of that dust good shape to and put the stamp of his image upon you and when you took that cloak that he made for you to be his image bare and turn it into filthy rags the Lord God omnipotent came with coals of fire to cleanse you and give you new clothes and provided you with the cloak of the righteousness of Jesus Christ and gave T. Would dignity that you couldn't possibly have enough yourself it's not an intrinsic dignity it's a derived. Treat. For today's special offer visit Renu in your mind or. Not never told anybody a story from our own brothers entertainment comes I can only imagine when I was there 11 years old life is to see the film that everyone's talking is. The story behind the love song that inspired millions. And. Saw the song from what I can only imagine the cheap thrill guide suggested now play good I can only imagine doc. On line. This is the. Service of Salem media David Jeremiah is sponsored by turning point ministries on 1100 K. F. E X. Misperceptions and misunderstandings run deep regarding the 144000 who will be sealed by God for. His purposes during the tribulation today on turning point Dr David Jeremiah returns to the 7th chapter of Revelation to clear up the confusion over these Spirit filled Jews and their unique role in the kingdom Listen now as David concludes his message revival in the Tribulation will thank you for joining us today we're studying the book of Revelation together and we're running into all of the questions you always.