100 Years Ago: 1924 Gray Grange celebrated Christmas on the evening of Wednesday, Dec 26, with a Christmas tree and special exercises. Santa Claus was in attendance and distributed gifts to the members and their invited guests who were present. There was a very large attendance and a very enjoyable time. At the next meeting which comes on Jan. […]
Read more about March 27, 1923, in the SunJournal.com archives. 100 Years Ago: 1923 A special meeting of the Clinton Grange was held Saturday in observance of the 36th anniversary of the organization. It was an all day meeting and Worthy master, Lizzie A. Burns presided. C. M. White of Augusta, chief of division of […]
100 Years Ago: 1922 At the big masquerade hall to be staged in Auburn Hall Friday night by the Women’s Auxiliary of the Alden Gayton Post, several novelty dances will be introduced, including a favor and serpentine number. The Grand March begins at nine o’clock at which time prizes for the best costumes will be […]
100 Years Ago: 1922 The East Auburn Benevolent Branch held an all day meeting at Central Maine General Hospital. Six members were present. The day was spent sewing for the hospital. A box luncheon was served at noon with coffee furnished by the hospital. Five dollars was voted to be given to the East Auburn […]