100 Years Ago: 1924 The Easter ball to be given under the auspices of the auxiliary of the Alden Gayton Post on Monday evening, April 21, has the assurance of being a very pleasant and successful undertaking. The money raised will go into a fund for the aiding of the World War veterans in the sanatorium, […]
Read more about Feb. 10, 1923, in the SunJournal.com archives. 100 Years Ago: 1923 The second performance of the fourth annual minstrel show by Alden Gayton Post, American Legion, of Auburn, members, was presented at Auburn Hall last night, to an equally large attendance as at the premier show the night before. The Harmony quartet […]
100 Years Ago: 1922 The auxiliary of Alden Gayton Post met Monday night with a large attendance. After the business session two birthday parties were held for Mrs. Mary Williams and Mrs. Grace Crockett. Each was presented with a cut glass dish. Refreshments were served. 50 Years Ago: 1972 The Christian Volunteers will meet Wednesday […]
100 Years Ago: 1922 At the big masquerade hall to be staged in Auburn Hall Friday night by the Women’s Auxiliary of the Alden Gayton Post, several novelty dances will be introduced, including a favor and serpentine number. The Grand March begins at nine o’clock at which time prizes for the best costumes will be […]