Once the customer is approved for their card theyll get an application at the office or get one online and apply for the free program. Theres a list of our outreach calendar. We met with the department of aging and Adult Services staff yesterday to receive feedback. Were here this morning to present to you our process and receive any feedback and for the next two weeks, including the mt action board of directors meeting, will be meeting with different groups to make sure were doing the proper amount of outreach and if were missing anything we fill in the holeses. Besides additional outreach besides those meetings current sf registered rtc customers will be direct mail letting them know the program is approved. And the application will be on the back of that letter. Applications and fact sheets we made available at different communities and stakeholder groups. Well have newspaper ads. The advertisements will be the banners inside the bus as well in the front of the bus behind the driver
Says line 17 times line 18 i think it means line 17 times line 16. Would that be correct . I think thats correct, yes. And the actual calculation is not 15 , its something slightly less that that so im not sure why there would be it seems like a simple calculation, 15 of that perhaps it was a rounding. I dont have a calculator. Its about 14. 7 across the budget, so maybe its a rounding thing but it was an odd dollar amount when i made the cal cow cuelation. Im not sure why theres a disparity, which always causes me a concern. Not that i dont trust people but it seems like it should be accurate. Okay, thats something i will follow up with the agency regarding. Out of curiosity, it calls out in the outcome objectives 75 of all facilities will be visited on a quarterly basis, that would be two visits and same for the [inaudible] facilities. The baseline from the previous thing is that we require at least one visit to one board and care home every year so weve added this in as part of the
Cuelation. Im not sure why theres a disparity, which always causes me a concern. Not that i dont trust people but it seems like it should be accurate. Okay, thats something i will follow up with the agency regarding. Out of curiosity, it calls out in the outcome objectives 75 of all facilities will be visited on a quarterly basis, that would be two visits and same for the [inaudible] facilities. The baseline from the previous thing is that we require at least one visit to one board and care home every year so weve added this in as part of the increased performance as a result of the increased staff. Now the plan is to in addition to seeing everyone at least once, each quarter, 75 of them will be seen. We didnt go with the 100 po allow for a little bit of leeway there. Are the businesses announced and scheduled or unannounced. I believe both. In some situations the ombudsman will respond to a complaint brought by a Family Member or resident and appear unannounced. Ombudsman will make an
Cuelation. Im not sure why theres a disparity, which always causes me a concern. Not that i dont trust people but it seems like it should be accurate. Okay, thats something i will follow up with the agency regarding. Out of curiosity, it calls out in the outcome objectives 75 of all facilities will be visited on a quarterly basis, that would be two visits and same for the [inaudible] facilities. The baseline from the previous thing is that we require at least one visit to one board and care home every year so weve added this in as part of the increased performance as a result of the increased staff. Now the plan is to in addition to seeing everyone at least once, each quarter, 75 of them will be seen. We didnt go with the 100 po allow for a little bit of leeway there. Are the businesses announced and scheduled or unannounced. I believe both. In some situations the ombudsman will respond to a complaint brought by a Family Member or resident and appear unannounced. Ombudsman will make an
Were doing the proper amount of outreach and if were missing anything we fill in the holeses. Besides additional outreach besides those meetings current sf registered rtc customers will be direct mail letting them know the program is approved. And the application will be on the back of that letter. Applications and fact sheets we made available at different communities and stakeholder groups. Well have newspaper ads. The advertisements will be the banners inside the bus as well in the front of the bus behind the drivers and also the standard digital message distribution. Hoping for any comments or questions. Thank you very much. Thorough presentation. Couple of questions. How will the means testing be administered . How will the application confirm that the seniors meet the means test . So its just the means is Self Reporting. Self reporting. Okay. Secondly, have you had an opportunity to read the editorial in todays chronicle . I have not read it but i heard theres something in there.