The most recent string of restaurant closures to hit metro Phoenix comes as a huge loss for the diversity of cultures represented in the Valley s food scene.
Two Caribbean restaurants have closed, an uptown Chinese spot has shuttered and longtime Middle Eastern and Mediterranean restaurant Persian Garden Cafe no longer serves falafel and dolmeh.
A handful of spots have closed in order to relocate or will reopen as new concepts dreamed up by the same owners.
For example, La Marquesa has closed and no longer serves Jalisco-style birria.
However, the owners have plans to open a new concept in the spot along McDowell Road early this spring.
Felipe Guzman runs the La Santisima locations on 16th Street and Glendale Avenue with his wife, Cristina Meillon de Guzman. His mother, Guadalupe, had provided most of La Marquesa s Jalisco-inspired recipes. Those excited about their new venture can follow along via the La Santisima Gourmet Taco Shop Facebook page.
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