Remarkable success that he enjoyed in the context of his democratic his campaign for the democratic nomination for president. Senator sanders competed in every state across the country. And earned more than 10 million votes for his campaign. Thats a remarkable accomplishment and the president complimented him and congratulated him on his success. I think you could describe the conversation as friendly conversation. That was focused on the future. Part of that future conversation was about the importance of the upcoming general election. Youve heard the president say on a number of occasions how important it is to him personally that he be succeeded in office by a president who is committed to building on the remarkable progress that our country has made over the last 7 1 2 years. So that certainly was an important part of the conversation. But it went beyond that. There also was a conversation about the longterm future of the Democratic Party. And senator Sanders Campaign enjoyed so mu
Leadership institute and other grassroots organizations have done Great Research door to door, door knocking and advocacy. I wanted to acknowledge not only our former youth commissioner louisa c [speaker not understood] from the south of market area but also amanda from the sunset, malaysia funders, some of you may have seen advocating on different issues from the bayview Hunters Point area. Many of them kind of were from various high schools but also city college, San Francisco state as they were advocating and organizing for this piece of legislation. I wanted to also say that this ordinance specifically would amend the health code to include a cap on the number of allowable tobacco permits in each of the citys 11 supervisorial districts. While no existing permit will be taken away, a new permit would only be allowed in a district after the number of permits in that district has over time reached a cap of 45 permits. In addition, new permits have to be located at least 500 feet away
Enhanced ventilation systems to ensure that residents receive clean air in their units. This ordinance will also streamline the ceqa and permitting processes for project sponsors by clearly identifying all of the areas of the city where we know these enhanced measures are needed and will be imposed as ceqa mitigation measures. This legislation has been a part of an overall strategy to help keep residents of the city, and particularly those that suffer disproportionately from a wide range of Environmental Issues because of where they live. I want to thank the department staff, particularly karen cohen from the department of Public Health, wade w. From the Planning Department for their work on this very important issue. My apologies, wade, i just cant pronounce your last name. I want to thank supervisor kim for shining on as a cosponsor as she has ate large portion of her district which falls within the air quality hot spot zones. So, colleagues, i do can for your support in this importa
Project sponsors by clearly identifying all of the areas of the city where we know these enhanced measures are needed and will be imposed as ceqa mitigation measures. This legislation has been a part of an overall strategy to help keep residents of the city, and particularly those that suffer disproportionately from a wide range of Environmental Issues because of where they live. I want to thank the department staff, particularly karen cohen from the department of Public Health, wade w. From the Planning Department for their work on this very important issue. My apologies, wade, i just cant pronounce your last name. I want to thank supervisor kim for shining on as a cosponsor as she has ate large portion of her district which falls within the air quality hot spot zones. So, colleagues, i do can for your support in this important legislation. Thank you. ~ supervisor kim. And i want to thank supervisor cohen for bringing this before the board. Air quality becomes an increasing concern am
Be diligent in making sure this actually happens. The department of technology, its a new thing for the department in terms of having to navigate all the different departments and utilities involved in these road projects. And as weve learned in term of pedestrian projects and other street design projects, it is sometimes like navigating an obstacle course. Every department or someone within the department has a reason to say no. Its not feasible, its not doable. Its too expensive, its too difficult. And we need to really make sure that our departments have a cando attitude about getting this conduit laid. It is not rocket science. It just needs to happen and we need to have our departments have an attitude that it can and will happen. And we need to support the department of technology when other departments or utilities just say no and obstruct the ability to actually get this done. In committee, i offered an amendment that was adopted to require periodic reporting by the department