The passage further read, "Emancipation of the wife destroyed the parent s authority over the children. The mother did not exemplify the obedience upon which she tried to insist".
CBSE, BJP, Priyanka Gandhi Vadra, CBSE class 10 question paper, retrograde views on women, CBSE exam controversy, Sonia Gandhi, cbse term 1 paper, cbse english exam, cbse class 10 english answer key, CBSE Class 10, CBSE Class 10 paper,CBSE Class 10 English paper, CBSE question paper, CBSE board exa
In a tweet, Gandhi said, "Most CBSE papers so far were too difficult and the comprehension passage in the English paper was downright disgusting. Typical RSS-BJP ploys to crush the morale and future of the youth".
In the class 10 exam conducted on Saturday, the question paper carried a comprehension passage with sentences like "emancipation of women destroyed the parent's authority over the children".
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