on u you had george w. bush spend money like it was going out of style. he took 155 billion dollar surplus and turned it into a trillion dollar deficit and doubled the national debt. he was a big government republican. on foreign policy, he was a big internationalist, but he was also sort of a unilateralist in that everybody had to follow his view and richard pearl s view. a big spreader of american yi ideals around the world and a lot of republicans quite agreed with. i just i think basically what i m saying i think they will cave to trump. i think we are going to have a 30 trillion dollar national debt and unfortunately people are so excited to be in power. as i found under brush they
i say give the american people three hours of your answers. this is all hypothetical because according to charles gasparino, he s tweeted out that sources inside cnbc say they will cave to trump. and it s simply based on the fact that they would prefer two hours with trump than three hours without him. they re smart. they ll go two hours with trump and carson. the other thing regarding donald trump. this proves his core principle, which i m a great negotiator. why are you making money off me? i m getting nothing. he d like part it. e-mail us or tweet us or facebook us. remember that gq article about ben carson. now there s a staffer in trouble for tweeting something about jeb bush.