I know it s right and I think that s the point of the book and also you talk about the as a center people have to get understand everybody is being affected by one death or that any right and that this book and that there is a visit immediately it s here in our city. And it s more eagerly chim book or Saturday afternoon at 430 Eastern on e.w.t.n. Radio or. Very become a member of the Catholic Church. Studios a selling t. This is all the. Call toll free 183328. That s 18338886 outside North America 120271. You can also text the letters. To 50004 living to open my head. Right hello once again everyone this is John Martin now need a. Writing cell of today so if you would be so kind as to Colleen and Philip the boards early on that will make my job a little bit easier for the day since Jack isn t here he s off somewhere not sure where but I believe he will be back next Monday to join me once again we re kicking off another week of Open Line here on the eve of each and global Catholic Radi
Which are exempt from fines and penalties of the Affordable Care Act should join us by visiting solidarity health care dot org to find out more that solidarity health care dot org. The meltdown in tensile town over the accusations of rape and other evil attacks and unwelcome overtures toward women by powerful men in the entertainment industry points toward something the church has been saying for 2000 years but without the grace of God in a conversion of heart the fallen mind of man is relentless in trying to satisfy an evil age to dominate and control whether the domination is over women or children or a subordinate at work or a weaker nation we all have the capacity of believing our own press clippings falling for the lie that the truth is just an opinion that bad behavior toward others has no consequences in this life. Comes down to whether we re going to subject desire to truth or subject truth to desire. This is Patrick Ottman attach a cotton done Media be a saint what else is. B
30000 days on this earth don t ever give a whole day to being angry somebody else s bad behavior no one is worse than a Saint Teresa of Avila said Let nothing sister this is Krista fanning from real life Catholic dot com on radio. Is women of great. And. Spiritual and practical joined us as we transform the world one woman at a time when. A time and. Here s your host John it think of the qualia Good morning everyone and welcome to women of Grace live I am John at Williamstown salute Lee De lighted and joyful to be with you Dad certainly and we have a lot going on here in the world today and we are so happy that we can happily conversation together that we can continue to explore how to live the abundant life of our Lord Jesus Christ and to share it with others in contentious times right and it seems as though our days are marked by contention but none the less I m thinking about this very beautiful scripture passage Greater is He who is in me than he who is in the world right and we c