Which are exempt from fines and penalties of the Affordable Care Act should join us by visiting solidarity health care dot org to find out more that solidarity health care dot org. The meltdown in tensile town over the accusations of rape and other evil attacks and unwelcome overtures toward women by powerful men in the entertainment industry points toward something the church has been saying for 2000 years but without the grace of God in a conversion of heart the fallen mind of man is relentless in trying to satisfy an evil age to dominate and control whether the domination is over women or children or a subordinate at work or a weaker nation we all have the capacity of believing our own press clippings falling for the lie that the truth is just an opinion that bad behavior toward others has no consequences in this life. Comes down to whether we're going to subject desire to truth or subject truth to desire. This is Patrick Ottman attach a cotton done Media be a saint what else is. Brought to you by the Catholic Radio Network. This is fun to rank attendee with the Archdiocese of Denver thank you for listening to k. Our c n 1060 am Longmont older in Denver we're here for our community teaching the Catholic faith. Acing particularly about this document is I think that the final document of the Senate used to be a tough note much Styria weight it was just a really sort of an advisory document was given to the pope to help him make decision and to help is personal at the start of exportation which is sort of summary document of the Senate but the pope has changed this document the the way to that final document and now it's going to have what he says is going to be part of the ordinary magisterium of the successor of Peter so it's not quite the ordinary Magisterium which means it has a real teaching weights but it is nevertheless it does have more weight than it used to so in this sense he's going to subject of course the pope's approval it will have this extra authority and that that's quite a significant development I think very interesting Matthew you are a church historian how does this new. Document this new development I guess fit with the original idea for Senate well as as Edward been reporting it it marks a fairly significant change in I think the scope and ambition of certainly what Pope Francis wants to accomplish when we go back to the original documents say from 1955 when Paul is 6 established that when you go back and read that you see that he was very clearly to be an advisory body to the pope's Francis that was also emphasizing the collegiality of a discussion or as he likes to say this and I doubt any of the bishops coming together from around the world in that sense I think he's expanding the opportunities for conversation for listening and I know that's something we're going to talk about in a 2nd but again that advisory. Goal for Francis but then also having the bishops from around the world come together which I think is very clear. In continuity with Pope over sex and to a large degree with problems of the 2nd so turning to that listening role this is this is something that Pope Francis has stressed really from the beginning of the church must be a listening church to this whole concept that he's had a sin and ality is is one of listening and being where he also has a concept of a company meant that he's mentioned so frequently What is he saying word in this constitution on listening. Well it's really great emphasis on the people of God and he really wants. The Senate to become more open to what the world is is is like the current challenges and to try to find church solutions to that so to try and have it shipped understand the problems and challenges that the faithful face. And I think he's trying to do that with this with this document to try and try and make it more open to that but the danger of this and as we've seen over the past 2 senators is that it's been criticized for. Serving to introduce sometimes sometimes using coercive all manipulative methods worldly ways of thinking which are at odds with the church's perennial teaching especially in the area of morality and I think people are concerned or have been concerned that the synods under Pope Francis have been vehicles for that and certainly seems to be evidence to show it and so I think this this extra authority to Synod of Bishops and almost sort of. So maligned sing that sort of process I think is has got some people quite concerned and they're thinking well maybe this is just a way to sort of rubber stamp. More sort of liberal sort of look of changing the church but we'll wait and see about that but that certainly seems to be. Part of the reason for this why. To try and bring in sort of modern ways of thinking if you like into the church to try and change the church and as they would say bring it up to date it's the 21st century how we heard analysis from Canon ist on on whether something has changed in concrete from a practical you know church last important standpoint. Well I think it does supplant the previous canons I believe from what it used to be said is not a sort of constitution that it as I said earlier carries the more it does carry some canonical weight so I think it does. Certainly that their whole series of articles in their legal sort of terminology that So I think it think it does do that the canons seem to remain the same then the code can a lot and changes there. But it also this Pope Francis hasn't actually done anything that Paul the 6 didn't even didn't sort of suggest he suggested back in 1965 that the Synod of Bishops could become deliberative which is what Francis done if the pope wants that and that's what he's done it's never been done before but Paula 6 did in fact sort of foresee that happening and and was Ok with it so in a sense he says doing what what had already been suggested sure and I haven't seen many people who have been surprised by what was in that document because as you mentioned it seemed in the 2014 extraordinary Senate in the 2015 Senate that many of these elements had already been introduced in in the way those Senate were run right yes and certainly that's the position of the Vatican that as saying there's nothing really new here for them in some ways because a lot of rules were already in place 11 extra and interesting point which I it's not really in the documents quite hidden away and I think a lot of us missed it which is that I believe that people in. Members of the participants of the Senate see want Greece are going to have a vote in the final Yes but there was very little about voting and and nothing very clear used to be to. Have to be a majority for every proposition to pass but that it wasn't even mentioned in the document so we'll there's a lot of unknowns which I think maybe done intentionally I don't know but we're going to find out pretty soon and I expect and it was somewhat conspicuous that they are granting wider privileges to the organizations of men religious but not to the organizations of Women Religious is a right yes that was a point raised by a reporter at the press conference and I think they they justified that in some way are going to be quite how but they that is what that is true yes there is that. Document also intact the document that usually follows is an in with the post and little episode gives rotation such as a more recent follow the Senate and the $142015.00 to get it if I'm understanding this right it is hypothetically possible for the pope simply to put his signature to this final document coming out of the Senate and use that as his as his exhortation with that correct that's right there is talk about that yes and you know some are saying well that's you know perfectly all right is going to save quite a bit of work and maybe that's the best thing to do but. But I think. I think. The question about the posts in Atlanta sort of get station was raised the press conference but the Dallas area the others kept saying well this isn't about that it's about the Senate itself so they didn't really want to touch on that subject. And it is sense it is kind of separate to the whole sin of the process but. It will have to say I think it's going to be left up to the pope to decide 1st of all whether he wants to please stamp on this time document whether he wants to write an actual Taishan as well also. So much still rides on you know on the Holy Father in what he decides in in these final in the final stages of the signal process so we've got a synod coming up right now it's at to discuss youth and there's been ready been a lot of controversy about that synod and some of the elements that were introduced early in the process just seem to the to focus too heavily on. Issues or socio sociological issues and not so much on traditional church themes of bringing others to Christ but what have you heard since this document has been released regarding the youth Senate Well it's a question mark actually whether this this new document will apply to the new Senate because some say it's going to take some time for this for this to actually be put into practice so we're going to see I think what it is that she's going to be applied certainly it's it's interesting that's come out just a couple weeks before the Senate begins but I think. I think that all that all those structures never things in place for the Senate coming up so I think they're going to carry on much as they add to the with the previous 2 Senate on the family and the same sort of procedures but that will we'll see we'll know soon enough whether that's true or not that's right that's right and that begins October 4th and I doing that time Matthew we've also got a canonization right we do 14th bless and soon to be pope Saint Paul the 6th along of course with Oscar Romero and I think a 6 or 5 other saints and I think all eyes are turning toward that canonization to see what Francis has to say about the Paul the sex in the midst of a Senate that's right and is it the tail end of the Senate are is that really right in the middle of it it's right in the middle of it which is a little surprising because most were expecting that they can it is a sure come at the end especially. As a way of honoring politics of course established the Senate of Bishops Well Edward as usual thank you for your reporting and you're doing a great job for us our readers are appreciative and our kind constantly letting us know that they value your work so we look forward to your continued coverage from Rome and also the coverage of the upcoming us and it took thank you very much coming up when we come back we talk to register correspondent Joseph promise and about the Benedict the 16th Institute in San Francisco this is register radio on e.w.t.n. . You heard who's reading the register it's Tim Staples the National Catholic Register gives you the world news like no other only in c.r. Has a stable of writer Steve King good Catholic theology and philosophy to give you the news with proper perspective for a 3 month free subscription to The National Catholic Register go to n.c. Register dot com and click on the 3 months where you better call 18413230. 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Welcome back I'm Janetta Malou editor in chief of The National Catholic Register and I'm with Matthew Bunson my co-host and we have Joseph prone to shine on the line Joe Welcome thank you well thank you very much David glad to be back so Joe is there a long time staff writer for The Register he's recently written a wonderful story about this Benedict the 16th Institute which started a couple years ago but is really getting into full force now I think Joe This summer they had a wonderful plan to bring the chant to. Parishes throughout the archdiocese out there in San Francisco any if you made you wrote a wonderful story about that but let's talk a little bit about the mission of this group I quote It's to open the door of beauty to God and bring people closer to him and his church that's a pretty tall order. Yes. And Archbishop clearly old when I spoke to him said that. You know there'd be 3 things we look forward to bring people to God or truth goodness and beauty and medics. And it varies Benedix I mention that more than once in our special Corleone said that. There's we have so many projects helping the poor and so on so it's easy for people to see that and the truth we have in the Bible in the Gospels in in so many other right study group studies that people can not be able and so it's often in the church and in the catechism so much but the reason is much in line of duty so that's why he wanted to and he's that's the only door some people will walk through. So to get I'm pretty. The other 2 doors and so that's why he decided to really bring this out to relay it to the benefit 16th institute in a line of music and that's what they're focusing on strongly get to beginning now and then they're going to have a they already started in on line arts magazine that concentrates on. Living Catholic artists and the work that they are doing now in various artistic disciplines and then they are. Going to bring this not just to adults but you know down to children also were and as they're trained camp. Has proven this past summer so let's start from the from the beginning who leads this obviously it's Archbishop Salvador Corleone in the diocese archdiocese of San Francisco that has founded it but who's the director of the director is a woman named Maggie Gallagher he asked her and they consult regularly. Leaver been informed and weekly there and they're right they consult on this and and she. Kind of oversees everything going on and there's a. Woman named Rebecca Wu who is the musical director so those 2 seem to be in the primary lead at this particular point overseeing everything and so I loved that your story focused on. Bringing chant into a prison how did that happen. Under pressure clearly only told me that he last Mother's Day he had stopped at the prison to I guess which is the prisoners and see the chaplain there and when he mentioned about the Benedict 16th institute the chaplain immediately said the man loved to sing and he realized that him self from the fits of stare the archbishop did and he says he would look. I have to have them in a learned chant and immediately 25 and some of the prisoners signed up to learn chant and. We're back to Lulu said to me after when. They went with her she went there with her professional singer says she was for professional singers to help people learn chant very quickly and she says the men were just thrilled and she was just thrilled. And their reaction and. They had had a couple of rehearsals and they sang for a asylum Heim mass an extraordinary 4 Yeah really yeah and she says they just loved it and they said that like one prisoner said he felt really the Holy Spirit was shaken up there a little bit especially when he got to those of Lord have mercy on me etc The translator line saying that so. And that's kind of that's been a very high point right from the beginning it was that was the 1st. First choir to sing this past spring in chant form and wonderful and of course your story begins with this cute line about what do 25 San Quentin inmates and 30 Missionaries of Charity have in common and of course you can we already started down that track so we know that it's the chant Well how did the Missionaries of Charity come into the picture. Maggie Gallagher was telling me that the missionaries that they asked. Also about learning chant and they taught the 30 Missionaries of Charity in their area to chant their right divine office they want to learn that and also and I didn't get the. Smallest details on this but they were for children they're running in Our Lady of Fatima group or camp and they want to bring this chant to children to through that Our Lady of Fatima program that they have so they're not only wanted it for themselves to begin with for their own prayer life but. Then to bring it out to others well so that our readers know where to go to find out more information about this wonderful Benedict the 16th Institute and their work in in really bring drawing people to the beauty of the Catholic worship they can go to Benedict Institute dot org So that's Benedict Institute dot org and also Joe's story is is titled Benedict the 16th Institute choir teaches sacred songs and this is running in our upcoming issue of of the register and will be online soon so it's the September 30th edition of The Register that will feature this wonderful story along with some pictures so Joe it's a really it's really great when we're able to highlight. Something in our church that he is ages old and yes yes it is and has always drawn people closer to God and into solitude and just knowing God's presence so I hope that many people can partake of the this wonderful work that they're doing Ok yes it's a wonderful avenue a wide avenue that. It clearly only use is to people it is hard ISIS play a little bit about Lee Bailey if I can add he hopes that it's trying to roam the United States so this is going to be kind of the model he would like for others to follow in the future wonderful Well we have you want to talk about a couple of pieces you've done a Marion response to the scandal of San and another beautiful piece of Our Lady of a key to Japan and today's crisis I love the idea of turning to the bus and mother in times of crisis which is what all of us should be doing. Exactly exactly she told us that Santa mom. And it should have been. Sorry to use the phrase drummed into people's heads but but it should been drummed into people on the 100th anniversary that she says only she can bring peace God has given her the role to her and she told us exactly how to do that and it's not a matter all that difficult it seems but. Pray the rosary daily for peace offer up sacrifices for the conversion the center's consecrate yourselves to the latter Mary so these are all simple things and just our daily duties she said at another point can be the sacrifice sometimes we moan and groan a number of people do it maybe all of us at one time or another by our daily duty but if we try to do that with a little bit of cheerfulness or without moaning and groaning and offering up and say The Lord you know this is for the conversion centers as she said and for the sins committed against the man killing her to marry it would go a long long way would have been some time to look for that. Like name and. We look for some spectacular way to be healed. Whereas when the prophet Aleesha told them we'll just go get yourself 7 times in the Jordan and he got angry with Abby as do simple you know but then finally he was talked into what happened he was totally cured so this is the boy's mother want to keep it simple for everyone whether you're young or old or what that's right that's right and you know this this article is trending on our Web site this this article that you wrote Our Lady of Akita Japan and today's crisis and it's just a sign that our readers. The faithful are hungry for things that they can do we have spoken out and we have expressed our righteous anger over what has happened and we should continue to do that but one of the things that we can always do and we must always do to specially keep ourselves. Is in tune with God's love and His mercy is to pray and so Joe many people who are doing that we can tell by who way they have responded to your article and of course there's another event coming up in October the u.s. Rosaries coast to coast so this is a big event planned for what is it October 7th 70 s feast day of Our Lady of the Holy Rosary and what are the elements of this event. The elements are they want people to pray in groups if possible no matter where we are at the 4 o'clock hour 4 o'clock Eastern time so those in Mountain time those in Central Time and Pacific time would have to adjust their schedules to coincide at 4 o'clock hour for the power of such such can mind prayer and they have people to pray the rosary that you could pray individually obviously you could pray at home if you can get out there asking people to pray if if they can at their state capital or train or church train your parents get a little group together and if. It just raise your voices to heaven to ask for peace to come to our country and stability to come to our country. It's it's in a sense goes back to the panto again and we did which would be a feast of Our Lady of the world the most holy rosary that was instituted because of the victory a tribute to our lady in the rosary back in the 1500 and so this was also preceded by a 54 day rosary of you know which interestingly began August 15th the feast of the Assumption inside October 7th so exactly 54 days and it wasn't me I would say it's not I could put it this way 100 percent necessary that you join to that part of it but if you can jump in people can and and sing a rosary day for for peace for our nation that just adds extra. So to speak to absolutely not so people can find out more information about this coastal rosary at rosary coast to coast dot com You can also search rosary coast to coast on our website no come up with Joe's blog an article on their site gives you a whole the whole information all this information about the panto in the victory of a panto that happened on October 7th 115th 71 the feast of Our Lady of the Holy Rosary jail as always thank you for bringing to our readers and to our listeners this bit of a deep Catholic culture that keeps us rooted in worship and close to our Lady and I and our Board thanks for all you do Oh you're welcome or happy to do it you that remember for more news analysis and commentary check out the National Catholic Register online at n.c. Register dot com Make sure you go to our podcast section and he can listen to all of our register radios there thanks for joining us here and register radio on e.w.t.n. Amanti Bunsen our producer Jefferson. Until next week. This is the home of a bit of grace the daily business or to life the sunrise morning show and mother a gel again. 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Other Benedict Groeschel template and support the boys and I challenge all responsible to take serious action against liberalized for leading Catholic boys r o n n e w t n radio. Had a. Comparable range of. Of Catholic teaching with her one of a kind perspective from person to spiritual growth talks to her eye opening scripture study what. Was the one the unforgettable entry on Tuesday at 8 pm Eastern on e.w.t.n. Radio and television. W t n communicating pain killing added during a working man and years I'm a convert. And I get really. Can't say I started at Radio am and not doing great but I'm telling. The truth. Can feel like this is a daily quest with a Chesterton minute. Every ever heard someone say Catholic Church is just a bunch of rules and regulations that don't say it's against freedom. Chesterton says Catholic doctrine and discipline maybe. But they are Laval's playground freedom is. The greatest act of freedom is obedience disobedience breaking the rules never makes us happy certainly does not make us free. For our good not to respect us but to protect us that is how the truth makes us pray Chesterton says that while the church has established rules in order. That we're just. Going to run wild. More than a minute Chesterton dot org that you buy Catholic Radio Network and spy ring story of faith courage to treat mystery spirituality dissension and reconciliation the most of all this is an expression of a great experience of faith through a unique to find liturgy join with me now as we look toward the light of the east light of the east is also supported by Eastern Christian publications where you can find the prayers of the Catholic Byzantine daily office at e.c. Pubs dot com And by Eastern Christian media dot com abroad bed network for you to earn more. About the eastern Catholic churches that's eastern Christian publications dot com glory to Jesus Christ welcome to light of the 8th time Father Tom Sawyer host I read something to you from a source it's called the Catholic Encyclopedia because I want to keep things in perspective here as we are all affected and observing and trying to sift through what's happening in the church lately Listen to this little story the 7 belly elected pope so ruled the church from being on trance instead of Rome are known as the Abbey 9 pope's The 1st was Clement to fail in the last Gregory eleven's who returned the papacy to Rome the period of residence and adding on is also known as the Babylonian captivity all the I've been on hold for French and were accused of being under the influence of the French things they introduced measures which helped perfect the system of church government and way for Betaine long after they returned to Rome the financial judicial departments of the church where we organized the chance he was developed to deal with the drafting registration and dispatch of papal letters to craze and illustrated acts in 1376 Catherine of Siena persuaded Gregory 11 to return to Rome but disputes between Italian and French factions continued died in 1370 and urban the 6th Italian was elected pope some doubted the legitimacy of this election and elected a rival Pope Clement the 7th who was more favorable to the French Clement the 7th return to being on or he ruled in opposition to the pope in Rome a period of confusion and conflict ensued in which the allegiance of Europe was divided between the urbanist and the Clementine. The Western schism as this division is called lasted for 40 years and $49000.00 the cals of Constance was called to decide the issue the pope in Rome resigned and they I've been on Pope was deposed Martin if it was elected as pope. He ruled from Rome and the Western schism was ended there read the very start you probably were taken aback if you don't know a lot about church history that they were Pope's in France instead of Rome but as I continue with the story you also heard that there were rival pope's And eventually they were all the post can you imagine take that today picture a schism in the church like that where we have a pope in Rome in a pope in France or somewhere else they've been York City and they both claim to be the real pope but which one is it and they're both favoring their particular countries and this goes on for 40 years now can you imagine sounds like a Hollywood movie but it was part of church history it happened to be unthinkable today and we make huge headlines or scandalized by a lot less than that it's hard to imagine a split in the church like that warring pope's favorable to different nations it's unthinkable yet it happen other things that we would see as unthinkable happened in history the church as well east and west yet the church is still here the church should have crumbled that any one of these scandals Betty something like a divided papacy and yet it still here and it still sanctify it still does what no other entity an earth can do and is the only entity that can still stand after taking this kind of assault from the evil one who seeks to divide and to conquer the church so as we listen to we get immersed in his book at arise all that is wrong in the church today I just want you to keep things in perspective whether you are from the east along the Church of the Western lung there is from time to time in the church's history some horrific things. Popes that were big corrupt even there actually 13 of them that did things I don't think I can even mention on the program they did they did so with what's happening in the church today a lot of people's faith has been shaken especially the faith of many young people for some of them just as an excuse to be lazy non-committal or to simply follow along the lines of the secular ideologies that's being rammed down their throats at school in college and elsewhere but many young people they don't know what to make it as they don't really know how to negotiate through scandals in the church but there is hope that all young people are can change or doubting or complacent. Or hate the church and we have somebody like that here on our program today I want to welcome to light of the East a young man is name is David David Brant David welcome to light of the East thank you so much heavy to be here glory to Jesus Chrysler to him forever Ok David you were I Byzantine Catholic right correct but it doesn't take Catholic all your life Ok How old are you 20 to 22 in your 22 years some of which as a child you would be too conscious of things in the church you know but in your conscience years you know here's where you're you could be really conscious of what's happening in the church I'm sure you've seen some things that maybe confused you even in the Byzantine church or disappointed you or you didn't you wondered why and someone might things you wish were different or better yet you're here you're a faithful practicing Byzantine Catholic young man correct Ok 1st of all tell us why you know I don't think I've really thought this before I think it really has to do in the huge part to my parents and the good upbringing I had trying then I was never forced to go to church on Sunday I was never forced to go to. It was always the thing to do but it was never like this you must do this and yes to do this I think a little bit of that it was the structure of that but also a little bit of my own choice where I could say well I am enjoying this I'm enjoying being with friends family seeing all these people every week and that I think has driven back and I enjoyed my experiences because of all that when she said a lot of your carers are like I just described here they are not in church I have no use for a church or they doubt church etc etc I mean you said it's true definitely especially I mean through college I went to school for some productions so a lot of my friends we had that and in the media realm are very anti church that whole belief so I was afraid to outlier there and even within the church I've seen friends I have. Growing up with Dave shouts going to school there is other things they've left the church or stopped it's a bit harder for them to keep their faith and would you say that the Byzantine sure the eastern churches could use a lot more young people those definitely it's it's I've seen it fluctuate over the years and I think we're displaying that need now for a resurgence of more you said discourage you. Know I mean it makes me sad that there's not more but it it makes me hopeful for that I'll be able to hopefully do more to bring more young and use to the church to get an excited about what's happening with our face is interesting when I asked you why as a young man in Despite all the scandals in the church and so on why you are still a practicing Byzantine Catholic and you said I never really thought about that now that's a very interesting answer I think it's a very telling answer because the fact that you're a thought about it means that you probably never really doubted it you never really deviated from it that your state has been so much a natural part of your life that you just sort of I think of the song Old Man River just keeps just keeps on rolling along. It's interesting that song is a great metaphor because in the film with this song you set it in features the lives of people who are very much like I'm involved in soap opera kind of situations you know their wives are in chaos and so on but the point the song is that the old member just keeps being what it is as kids fall in along it's unfazed it just keeps consistent and that you have a metaphor for what you're saying about your own life you know I think if you can't really. Top your head reflect on why you're still with the church why is doubly when so many appears today both east and west don't believe or don't practice the fact that came in the question have been thought of before is because probably it's been so much a part of you just on a manic you just keep rolling along right exactly. And Korea there is a visiting the ship the ship. Edward mask from Greensburg Pennsylvania and he brought up a few good points and the homily at the Divine Liturgy and how with their whole recent scandals and just how to matter if it's the church being rocked by within or shrunk without the church Jesus is still our captain and we need to have this faith and I think that's just always been it I just have this faith and you trust in the lawyer that he will provide it's needed so our faith in God transcends even the the human foibles. The institutional dimensions of the church I'm going to pick up on something David said when we return he mentioned something about being into film so when to talk about that when we turn him Father Thomas Leon light of the east light of the East mission is Christianity's a reunion and to tell the story of the eastern lung of the Catholic Church we need your support in order to keep the light of the east on the air you can make a donation now by going to Byzantine Catholic dot com That's Byzantine Catholic dot com and then donate securely using any major credit card with your help we can keep the light of the East's illumination bright. Going to use his crimes to one father Thomas lawyer and I'm inviting him to a special observance of the 50th anniversary of Pope Paul the 6th community Tuesday October 2nd at 7 pm in the St Mary Parish Hall 190 by the Dean 115 there then you can mull to Illinois you many years is open to all here but the lawyer here. Discover the truth and beauty in this prophetic writing of hope all the 6 joined by the lawyer for Hugh money v.t. This 1000 years at St Mary Parish 19515115th Avenue in Illinois Tuesday October 2nd at 7 pm. You're listening to the time of night of the East little over a little over. A and a little. You are listening to the choirs of an n.c.a.a. Byzantine Catholic Church under the direction of Timothy woods it Illinois this is the music you hear. Of the east it is sung during the sacred liturgy at a Nazi Asian Byzantine Catholic parish order and light at Byzantine cant like dot com only ask is a donation of $15.00 or more which includes shipping and handling to. Parish for each the. Send a check made out to Annunciation parish at 14610 will cook road home or Glen Illinois 60491 and may God grant you to to it. All over. The back to light of the east on public Thomas on your host a special guest today is a young man 22 years old his name is David David Remnick and he's a lifelong and still practicing believer not Byzantine Catholic still practicing young adult when so many of his peers. In the church east and west even out of the church have no use for church and certainly have found well in some respects we have to be honest and some respects have found a handy excuse not to reconnect with the church because of the scandals and someone or they're just confused or just searching but David is here like Old Man River his faith has just kept him rolling along and I suddenly said about that there's something to said about that as being a very real kind of faith but David you said that you're involved in filmmaking tell us about that why are you ball with that what are you doing with that so for why I I've been interested in film movie making video stuff since I was in middle school since I can remember really I've always had the more creative side of the brain but. I just had the straw to video and film and so I went to school for that and now I am currently working for the party of Parma and for the park eel newspaper horizons and so we've recently just started a new media section category for the paper to attract a more on line media needs of the modern day so I will be assisting in creating more video content for Horizons the paper news stories and also some park Il vents use a video content but this Horizons is the for the sake of our listeners park your newspaper and parking your park you'll That's the Byzantine term for dioceses you see in the eastern churches were spread out very sparsely spread out and so we have large territories and they call em parties the like being regions and we have a newspaper for our party a party of Parma which means it's actually a suburb of Cleveland Ohio that's where a bishop is that's right a parking center they takes in the 12 states of the Midwest and the newspapers called Horizons Now David you're working for that newspaper horizons that but yet you're talking about film and someone right so I think the biggest draws were realized. Now in today's society how much people are doing things on the Internet on line and there's this new need to get information out spread information differently to people and it's not just in to print media and more I think print media is still just as important it serves a purpose just like the online video media content serves its own purpose and I think hopefully this is where we'll be able to draw in a lot more of the youth and the younger audience is through this online content I don't think a lot of them are as involved with the papers maybe they just don't know about it they're not attending church but they can see something online very easily you know I maybe I'm old fashioned something maybe I'm revealing my age which is much much older than you. But I believe in hard copies of things I believe in good old fashion newspapers outlets not to say that I don't believe in all this social media stuff that's great and they get it and you young people seem to I think you come out of the womb with one of these androids in your hand or something and I like these little kids and know how to push these buttons and it's amazing you know for me it's still a it's still a vocabulary that I'm just not familiar with I just I just like some of the old fashioned things and I also think there are some things such as some of you people maybe listening to me on what we call terrestrial radio good old fashioned radio on f.m. Are you know if I'm a radio that you turn on you turn the dials I still believe in that and that old things have gone Internet and I still believe in newspapers 100 copies something you hold in your hand that you can rate I do believe and I love to see the young people are developing these new mediums but I kind of hope that the horizons and mediums like that good old fashioned paper hard cutting mediums will always be around I think there are certain things you can't you just can't improve upon you know lies and are still my article background is in art and design has to teach us in designing he said you know there are certain things that we call in the business a 90 percent mature design for exam. A pencil sharpener there isn't a hole that Lloyd can do with a pencil sharpener you know you can tweak it as I but pencil sharp as a pencil sharpener you know so I think as there are certain things in this life that you can't really totally improve on they are with the r. And I think they have an enduring value and least that's my that's my just my little personal bias I would agree I think I also like having tangible things in front of me I'm not a huge fan of having everything on line just for reading sake alone and that he had of reading things on a monitor I thought more it just feels better reading something tangible and it is I think a different we do almost archive the history in a way on line digital verses physical papers do you also have a well for instance what what what's happening with the right what is a rise doing what's coming up only doing what they promote So clearly this month's trend September 1st to September 30th Horizons is holding a funding campaign for it's a postulate So we're looking to just by hiring me looking to grow. Horizons team and what we're capable doing we're incorporating the new media prizes press which is creating what Terje call plates and other various printings and then also the far horizons is a subcategory of this which is planning on school program it is so coming on Sunday we're actually heading to Eastern Europe on a pilgrimage for 2 weeks Well you know as I mention the beginning here we talk about what is maybe a sense of hopelessness and anger in the church right now among many people especially young people but there are of course you have always seen the ways in which God has blessed us and certainly our. Has been blessed by people like you and also the editor of the horizons Laura who is the wife of one of my priest Father and your some assembler she goes by her maiden name for basically it has simplicity sake for what she does in the church Her name is Laura and she. I was actually a journalist and a media person in the Vatican she actually worked on Vatican radio so she brings a lot of experience a lot of new stuff a lot of creative a lot of professional know how to park a newspaper and all of our media outreach as you do so I'm very excited about this I think it's a real blessing that we've got this sort of new blood with a lot of experience and background Tell me get well what is it you seek to do through your abilities and film I think I because coal is really I don't think we've had anything like this before in our church at least these possibilities that I think we're coming up upon So my hope is that because it's true there's evangelize educate our own faithful and show what our church is all about and not shy away from that you see yourself your career do you see it largely in terms of evangelization the church or do you have a desire to go into like you know Hollywood you know secular movies you know I don't know I am not to sure I'm looking to see where these next few months take me with working with a party and horizons and Laura and just praying to see where God has me as planned but you like the the visual part the film itself best Right yeah I do I do like the visual parts of it and also work and people look at the Horizons we're going to get at this all this great stuff I guess the best place to go would be that at parties but cite Arma dot org And within there there's a tab for the horizons and there you can find all the information where on all the different social media is Facebook Twitter Instagram and the neo And so with that website you can go on the mailing list for the horizons and get a subscription you can find us on social media and get all access to our online posts and that's also where you can find this fundraiser campaign is through the horizons tab on the website once again that's Parma dot org And spelled p a r m a p a r m a Parma just like it Parma Italy or like the parmesan cheese Parma dot org So David . In a little bit time we have left what would be your message to the maybe you've got about the cedar but maybe you have but what would be your message to young people your age whether they're in the church or out of the church heading down they hate the church whatever I think I would say are calling back on that homily by disappeared word have faith and trust in the Lord that He will show us the way and pray upon it and just be open that what's happening the church today I've had these good experiences with so many priests in my life and so many faithful that I think is really trying to find those truly the bus things in our church can you repeat them one more time you've had good experiences with priests. And with faithful as well. Very very good message to your peers very simple messages but very sincere very profound in its own way but I want to thank you for your faith and your participation in our church your openness to the Holy Spirit and for your message here and for using your guess for the glory of God and we look forward to seeing all that God has in store for you in the future so thank you again for being with us today and Father Thomas lawyer and light of the east to hear light of the east again visit this in teen Catholic dot com and click on the features and Programs tab and on i Tunes thank you for listening to light of the east we encourage you to tell a friend about light of the east and to visit this in TNG Catholic dot com light of the east is produced by a.b.c. a moment of over one piece the other day where I feel God's presence very powerfully at something called spiritual consolation in those moments God makes it easy for us to have the right perspective on life the next day was rough I was hit with some really hard news that turned me upside down you know what I did I remember that moment of peace from the day before I chose to do well in that piece God doesn't just give us moments of spiritual consolation to we can remember them and launch again he gives us those moments that we can recall them into the present in a marriage that time in. The past memories and recall for our marriage the marriage so what is the guy. In hard times recall the way he's shown you this love in a plus time they'll just go your happy place till you guys to find the right perspective again this is Christopher realized. In radio that thank you for listening next week it will be turned over to learn more about and station Byzantine Catholic parish visit our website Byzantine Catholic dot com where you will also find an archive of all of our programs in order to get a new line of each with its mission of Christianity's Billa we need your support with a donation any amount will be a blessing please make alledge check to light a radial and send it to light of the East 14610 will cook road home or Glen Illinois 60491 that's light of the East 14610 will cook road spelled w. L. L. Dash c k road owner Glen Illinois or donate online on the home page of Byzantine Catholic done in the land of the new dawn of unity is insight God bless you go with God any gun branch or many happy gives. A lamb a leg. This is the whole Catholic Answers lie the rich call to Communion remember royal It creates Elica. A weekly new credit program and features an update that's going on and it. a difference through the culture Catholic connection with. Tomorrow morning 9 Eastern a minit with the catechism on Catholic Radio Network one of the 3 parables Jesus tells about prayer in St Luke's Gospel The 1st is what the catechism calls the. Friend This is the friend who breaks a pallet midnight in order to Boral 3 loaves of bread to feed a visitor the 2nd parable the catechism labels the important unit where do persistent plead for her rights from a reluctant judge till the weary judge rules in her favor this parable illustrates the need to pray always and with the patience of faith Jesus closes this parable with the pointed question when the Son of Man comes find any faith on the Earth the 3rd parable centers on the Parisyan the tax collector commending the tax collector for his humility because he. Ask God to be merciful to me a sinner a prayer which the church adopts as its own This is Peggy Stanton and this is when the order of multis minit with the catechism brought to you by Catholic Radio Network This is Father Chris an oblate of the Virgin Mary with Holy Ghost church in downtown Denver thanking you for listening to k r c n n 1060 a long mud Boulder in Denver here for our community teaching McCann like face. You're listening to a spotlight minute on Catholic Radio Network Why do Catholics honor Mary so much when Jesus had given us everything on the cross He looked down and saw one last gift. He told his beloved disciple behold your mother told his mother behold.

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