The police presence on campus during our own encampment and subsequent protests and rallies paints a dimly-lit picture of police overreach and peaceful demonstrations turned sour, eerily reminiscent of the Vietnam War days.
Shortly after dark on Sunday evening, thousands of Pitt students and alumni gathered on the Cathedral lawn to celebrate the beginning of the academic year with Pitt’s annual lantern-lighting ceremony. Lantern Night, led by the Pitt Alumni Association and the Alumnae Council, registered over 3,000 first-year students on Sunday 600 more than last year.
There’s more than one way to shut people up, and the University of Pittsburgh has dipped into its ideological tool chest to pretend they aren’t censoring students when, in fact, they clear.
“There will be no curiosity, no enjoyment of the process of life. All competing pleasures will be destroyed. But always do not forget this, Winston always there will be the intoxication of pow.
Since the invasion of Ukraine by Russian forces more than one year ago, Pitt’s Ukrainian Culture Club has fundraised, volunteered and brought awareness to the conflict.