though the two cases we are going to discuss today have important info implications for all americans because they go to the heart of the first amendment and many cases they go to the power of parents to make choices in education, and really affect the first amendment for everybody. host: rebecca joining us on zoom . freedom from religion foundation. a little bit about your organization in the position you take on these things. the freedom from religion foundation is a national nonprofit organization based in madison, wisconsin. we have over 35,000 numbers across the country, and we work to defend the constitutional principle of separation between state and church, and to represent the rights and views of nonbelievers. host: let s start with you. we heard several cases at the supreme court, religious freedom being the center of them. if you look at those cases collectively, how would uss where the court is when it comes to issues of religious liberty? i think what we ar
we take you live now to capitol hill where that how science subcommittee on investigations and oversight holds a hearing to examine how the use of biometrics impacts privacy. we seem to have lost our signal from this live event. we hope to resume our live coverage shortly. , likely the primary reasons because he wanted it full and was angry they were not letting people through with weapons [indiscernible] offstage tent. i was in the vicinity of a conversation where i heard the president say something to the effect of i don t f care that they have weapons. let the people in. take the f mags away. host: you can see the whole thing on our website. we will show you other portions as the morning goes on. paula, silver spring, maryland, republican about the january 6 hearing. caller: good morning. [indiscernible] the question no one is answering is why did this happen in the first place? this is not an endorsement of anything that happened. if you wish, condemned the ac