ainsley: a virginia school facing backlash over an after school satan club for students. a flier claims the club, quote: does not attempt to convert children to any religious ideology. instead, the satanic temple supports children to think for themselves. but parents are furious. we re going to rally parents. we are going to expose this group. we are going to let people know what their intentions are we know this is all targeted toward children, the cartoon figures. a way for them to get. in a way to get in indoctrinating. fox news contributor and former public school teacher, as well as attorney leo terrell is here to react to all of this. good morning to you, leo. good morning, ainsley. thanks for having me on this subject. ainsley: thank you for coming on. do they have the right to do this? in my opinion, no. i will tell you right now, ainsley, let s be very clear
voted for president trump and 60% said, no, they didn t know anyone on the other side and news rooms are sort of the same. everyone lives in geographic cultural bubble. pete: it s 95%? look, they i don t have the data to support it. i m not going to go outside what i know. i do know they draw from a liberal pool, a lot of the news rooms, great reporters but there s a risk and sometimes reflected in reporting. abby: do you encourage other poll incomes the media world to take the journey that you did, how much did you change from that experience? i changed a lot, you know, when you don t know the other side, it s really easy to turn them into cartoon figures. when you meet people, you realize how moderate people the american people are. there s a lot of nuance that people gravitate towards finding
so, miller, gaddafi pretty much finished. what would you do to this guy if you got him? if you were the president and throw him out of libya where he has to go somewhere. they may kill him there. they may get him. say they don t. say he goes to saudi arabia. what happens then? i would hire gaddafi to play the stewart march margolian guy gets hebolla. he looks like that to me. i think that gaddafi and mumbarak should get hired by fox to be on their animation domination sunday night thing doing a cartoon since they are both such cartoon figures. and you could call it mum dick and gaddafi duck. and have the two of these morons come on every week and be the cartoon characters that they are. the gaddafi situation though, i
so, miller, gaddafi pretty much finished. what would you do to this guy if you got him? if you were the president and throw him out of libya where he has to go somewhere. they may kill him there. they may get him. say they don t. say he goes to saudi arabia. what happens then? i would hire gaddafi to play the stewart march margolian guy gets hebolla. he looks like that to me. i think that gaddafi and mumbarak should get hired by fox to be on their animation domination sunday night thing doing a cartoon since they are both such cartoon figures. and you could call it mum dick and gaddafi duck. and have the two of these morons come on every week and be the cartoon characters that they are. the gaddafi situation though, i
so, miller, gaddafi pretty much finished. what would you do to this guy if you got him? if you were the president and throw him out of libya where he has to go somewhere. they may kill him there. they may get him. say they don t. say he goes to saudi arabia. what happens then? i would hire gaddafi to play the stewart march margolian guy gets hebolla. he looks like that to me. i think that gaddafi and mumbarak should get hired by fox to be on their animation domination sunday night thing doing a cartoon since they are both such cartoon figures. and you could call it mum dick and gaddafi duck. and have the two of these morons come on every week and be the cartoon characters that they are. the gaddafi situation though, i