decorated iraq war veteran and reported to his higher ups he saw something terribly wrong with the president shaking down a vulnerable foreign leader for campaign dirt. lieutenant colonel vindman is an immigrant that came to the united states at a young age and then dedicated his career to serving this country. he and his twin brother were highlighted in ken burns 1985 film statue of liberty. our mother died so we went to italy and then we came here. that was alex doctor vindman. so true to the trumpian mo trump and his allies have setup to destroy alexander vinldman, destroying him as a person, anything to protect trump from the truth. and this is the trump way, of course, to destroy anyone who questions him. it s a level of ruthlessness we haven t seen before. and what s truly scary is 2 out
interests and public trust for it s legal. can you tell in your reporting the phone call of july 25th with personal political gain. zelensky, the president of i think it s great this witness whether trump thinks it was okay ukraine, he heard the president makes the case. to do what he did to shakedown we ll hear more i m sure. demand that was his verb zelensky for dirt on biden? does he think that was in his demand dirt on joe biden. power? how do you take that? based on my reporting talking thank you u.s. congressman, i don t know if you re allowed to the president s confidants to divulge that our not but it they believe he s such an joyce vance, and thank you may have been in his opening outsider, someone who s never katrina mulligan for your inside served in government when he statement. it was in his opening came into office he was willing statement. perspective on the atmospherics first of all, you don t need a to not only shatter the norms of quid pro quo for that alone t
has made clear that his discussion in that matter was all about looking to the past. well, that got to the bottom of it. welcome back to hardball. that was vice president mike pence dancing, continuing to evade questions about whether president trump s request to a foreign government in this case ukraine to dig up daughter on his political rival raised any red flags for him. the vp, is a moral man, isn t he? the vice president also pushed back on the damning account given by the top diplomat of ukraine william taylor by trying to make it about here s the favorite republican word now, process. we can t really count on that because all we have from the committee are leaks. the process that s going on in congress today is a disservice to the american people and it s a disgrace. again, it wasn t leaked. it was in his statement he released to the public. according look, the american people have a right to
house, a meeting attended by political? i know on the hill you could fix country and now works at the speech, you could help the highest level in the white gordon sondland among others who grammar, help the sentences house. this man is what conservatives were carrying out trump s agenda parse, but you weren t supposed to take out reality. in ukraine. i think in some ways traditionally want to aspire to. vindman said someone started i wonder about the newspapers speculation because it s really speak about ukraine delivering still having tremendous power, about who has access to that specific investigations in order not just reporting like your to secure a meeting with memo. president trump. i agree with you it s not a own, but tomorrow morning s at which point ambassador bolton transcript, and it says that paper is going to have top of cut the meeting short. cleary it s not a transcript. the fold this guy s dressed afterwards someone emphasized i will say in my conversations the imp
vindman, a directed iraq war lieutenant colonel vindman who veteran who s currently the top will be coming today and others by colonel vindman today? ukraine expert on the national who have testified, it is i can t comment on the shameful to question their security counsel. specifics of the testimony, patriotism, their love of this however, i think it s fair to nation, and we should not be vindman testified that president involved in that process. trump s demand that s his say that there are more questions about the transcript good for liz cheney. word demand dates of political dirt from ukraine was so and then there s also questions anyway, but rudy giuliani once again showed his without shame damaging to national security ability why it was stored on the that he had the duty to relay server in the way that it was on twitter writing, another his objections up the chain of shifty backfire, a u.s. stored. and i think that at this point, government employee has command. most import