Clark County mass vaccination site will likely beat goals this week
Fairgrounds operation getting shots to 750 people per day, above 500 per day goal
Published: January 26, 2021, 12:43pm
Share: Chuck Adams of La Center, left, gives a thumbs-up while receiving his COVID-19 vaccination from Staff Sgt. Cory Hoveskeland of the Air National Guard at the Clark County Event Center at the Fairgrounds on Tuesday morning, January 26, 2021. Adams said getting the vaccination went smoothly. I didn t even feel it, he said. Tuesday was the first day of mass vaccinations in Clark County, which are given by appointment only. (Amanda Cowan/The Columbian)
Ever since the COVID-19 pandemic arrived in Clark County in March 2020, Janice Hayden and her husband, Carroll Hayden, have felt a sense of exposure in their lives.