I am famous in my family for looking for an item I've "lost" only to come back later and discover it sitting in plain sight. "Where did this come from?" I What if patriarchy is all over the Bible because the world of the Bible was ruled by men?
Our family spent summers going to Gilbert Lake, a small lake about 15 minutes from our house. Though there were several lifeguard stations, only one had a
Equal in the Grammars In 1882 a woman writing in the Memphis Free Trade presented her qualms with gender exclusive language: “As the law of grammars now When it comes to Bible translations, using gender-inclusive vs. gender exclusive language isn’t merely a matter of kindness or linguistic accuracy, but of being theologically on point with our creation as male and female, as “beloved” by the other. "Equality in the grammars," as it were, should be seen as a necessary conformation to Biblical anthropology, not as a concession to political correctness.
My husband and I sometimes fail to comply with the gender stereotypes presented to us by society. For example, one evening a few years back, he practiced