COUNCIL: Plans approach final stages of development AMBITIOUS plans will soon be revealed that will make Carnforth’s neighbourhood plan into the UK’s first carbon neutral scheme. Since mid-201, the council has worked with groups, residents, and businesses toward the development of the plans vision and objectives. Carnforth Town Council have just been awarded the final funding needed to take the plans forward, making a total of £18,000 to develop a plan that will support sustainable development that reflects the distinct local character of the town and delivers cohesive, sustainable transport links that will help reduce air pollution and support active and healthy communities.
CARNFORTH Town Council has officially taken over the management of Crag Bank Village Hall in Carnforth. The council have taken over running of the building from trustees, George Birkett, and Treasurer Julie Davey. George has been a trustee for over 30 years, and the pair have been in sole charge for the last 12 years together. Opened in May 1985 the Hall is home to Crag Bank Under 5 s and has several regular hirers including Judo, Pilates, Community Choir and Dog Training. Councillors Steve Watson, Chair of the Town Council’s Asset Management Committee said: Carnforth Town Council are delighted to become the new custodians of Crag Bank Village Hall.
CARNFORTH has officially elected it’s new Town Mayor. Councillor Larry Branyan became the new Mayor after the stepping down of Councillor Kath Bromilow, and at a critical time for the town as restrictions begin to be lifted. Cllr Branyan will lead the Town Council in continuing to work collaboratively with community groups, Lancaster City and Lancashire County Councils and all of the council’s partners to deliver the best possible services and outcomes for our town. He is a member of the Finance & Governance Committee and was Chair of the Asset Management from 2019 until his election as Town Mayor.
HONOURED: Town honours its Covid heroes Carnforth Town Council held a virtual ceremony to honour the recipients of the Carnforth Citizen of Merit Award on January 14. More than 40 winners attended the virtual meeting and were thanked on behalf of the Town Council and by Town Mayor, Kath Bromilow M.B.E.
NOMINATED: Liam Law and Andrea Wren, organisers of the Carnforth Covid Support Group were nominated 94 people were nominated, and many were volunteers or key workers. Liam Law and Andrea Wren, founder members of the Carnforth Covid 19 Local Volunteer Group - both of whom received the Award, and gave thanks to the Town Council, their fellow volunteers and all of the other organisations that had come into creation in response to the virus.
Carnforth to reward residents who have gone extra mile during pandemic at virtual ceremony
A special virtual ceremony is to be held this week to honour members of the Carnforth community who have gone above and beyond dyuring the Covid-19 pandemic.
Tuesday, 12th January 2021, 10:12 am
Carnforth Town Council will be recognising some of the town s residents at a virtual ceremony in January.
The Carnforth community will remember that for 10 weeks between April and June, Carnforth Town Council requested nominations for all those people who had gone that ‘extra mile’ to help others during the first lockdown – known as the Carnforth Citizen of Merit Awards.