A student-led effort aims to battle vaccine hesitancy among Philadelphia teenagers. 40 Philadelphia high school students are members of the Philly Teen Vaxx program, working to convince their peers that getting the COVID-19 vaccine is safe.
From left, Philly Teen Vass student ambassadors Vy Nguyen, Andy Nguyen and Keren Abraham. (Kenny Cooper/WHYY)
With the help of the Black Doctors COVID-19 Consortium (BDCC) and the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia’s Policy Lab, a new student-led vaccine collective is hoping to combat vaccine hesitancy in young people one clinic at a time.
“Many [teens] do not have the facts or any of the education … and so, we need to teach them and educate them, so they feel more comfortable in getting the vaccine,” said Andy Nguyen, a junior at Julia R. Masterman High School and a student ambassador with the group.