statement. while siverly might respect obama s battles, he is firm and he won t help black inmates in wabash with theirs. i m not racist, but then again, i know where the lines are in here. so i know that if something goes down, just because i m not racist doesn t mean if there s a race riot that they re not going to stab me too. i m not going to arm a black so that a race riot can pop off at any time and all the blacks in the dorms got a knife and, you know, one or two white people s got a knife, so i m on the losing end. eventually one of them s going to get to me. so i don t want to arm anybody that s going to potentially come back and use it on me, at all. coming up they all think they re gq material. inmate picture day at wabash. your feet can t be on the wall. feet can t be on the wall? man, you re so strict here. and carlton wright causes a disturbance. i came back, [ bleep ].
what i sleep on. this is my cellie rack right above me. this is where another man sleeps. understand? out here to the left is my window. that mice window. that s the gate that teases me with freedom. and right there is the highway, i think. see the cars going by, going places i can t go. you feel me? so just trying to paint a picture for you so you can understand what i m going through. carlton wright s picture will change very little in the next 24 years. that s when he s eligible for parole on his 50-year sentence for robbery, bodily injury, and criminal confinement. you want to go out right now? all right. but has had one bit of good news. he has been released from the confinement unit. he was sent there for threatening other inmates while trying to locate his stolen tv set. whatever happened with the guy who stole your tv? i don t know. i ain t seen him yet.
violence happens, you know? what do you expect? you throw a bunch of violent offenders together and you expect us not to clash? at the end of the day, you better pray you re the one left standing and not hurting. as authorities continue to investigate the stolen tv, wright has petitioned to be placed back into his original housing unit. at this point, i don t know what s going to be allowed to happen with wright, i don t know if he ll be allowed to return to p-house because of all the animosity he caused himself that night because of his tv, so i m sure we ll be evaluating his housing assignment. while authorities determine a safe housing placement for wright, he will remain in confinement. on i don t like it, but i m adapting. i got to make it work, you know what i mean? these people place you in all kinds of situations to try to break you, but i m surviving. that s what i m doing, man. i ve got too much time to start crumbling now. gerald ritchie is also in one of the confin
character was put to the test. he came back from recreation one night and noticed that his tv had been missing, so obviously he knew someone had took it. so he was pretty upset about that, as anybody would be. this is the penitentiary. are you serious? people [ bleep ] kill for that, for real, for real. surveillance video from the unit shows another inmate standing outside wright s cell. he then enters the cell and then seconds later exits with wright s television. the inmate then places the tv inside another cell. someone stole my tv while i was gone, so, you know, when i came back and [ bleep ] things got ugly. from what i heard, he approached several offenders, kind of called them out, wanting to know if they had taken his tv. i started going from cell to cell, searching my [ bleep ]. i m going to search everybody s [ bleep ] until i find what i m looking for. wright s aggressive behavior soon created problems with other inmates. i m not looking for trouble, but at t
that s the only option? i can t take another one? nope. so what was the point of seeing there was no point of really seeing it, then, right? pretty much. you don t like it? this is wabash, man. they do what they want to do. i obey the rules here, you know, but sometimes they really want you to be compliant, you know, like puppets. don t do this, don t do that. do it like this, do it like that. [ bleep ] here, eat here, no, cant talk to that person, get off the door! all this [ bleep ] rules. i m in jail for not [ bleep ] following the rules. wright says his attitude is the result of growing up in a tough new jersey neighborhood. either you sink or swim, you know what i mean? and i grew a hard exterior because i didn t want to be the victim, and over the course of time, that became a part of my character. and recently wright s character was put to the test.