Carlotta Taddei, PhD
Dr. Carlotta Taddei completed her BSc (2011) in industrial chemistry at Università di Bologna (Bologna, Italy). In 2011 she joined the Advanced Spectroscopy in Chemistry master course and gained her MSc (2013) jointly from Université Lille 1 (Lille, France) and Universität Leipzig (Leipzig, Germany). She completed her PhD at King’s College London (London, United Kingdom) under the supervision of Prof. Antony D. Gee. Her doctoral research focused on the development of novel conversion methodologies of [
11C]carbon dioxide to [
11C]carbon monoxide mediated by fluoride-activated silanes in order to enhance the use of [
11C]carbon monoxide chemistry within the radiochemistry field. In addition, Dr. Taddei attended various hands-on radiochemistry workshops (e.g. fluorine-18 and zirconium-89 labeling) under the umbrella of the Marie Curie initial training network she was part of as an early stage researcher.