On Dec. 28, 2020, the Carroll County Board of Supervisors opened their last meeting of the year with a closed session to discuss potential pending litigation per Iowa Code 21.5(1)(c). There was discussion following that and a vote on entering into a settlement agreement with more details to come once the issue was formally resolved. Last Friday, the party involved reached out to Carroll Broadcasting. Louie Grote, who worked in a part-time capacity for the county for around 20 years as an IT technician and also as Director of Veterans Affairs, says an issue arose after a May 2019 announcement that IT Director, Carl Wilburn, was planning to retire within the next year or so. The supervisors opened the application process to fill that role upon his retirement and Grote was one of the applicants.
The Carroll County Board of Supervisors accepted the retirement resignation of a long-time employee with deep regrets at their regular meeting Monday morning.