NUH Diss Nuh Man, the first album from singer Jah Niceness, has been released by Zojak World Wide. Produced by Jason Bromfield, it contains 10 songs.
Jah Niceness and Bromfield began producti.
PENDER COUNTY Pender County Emergency Management has been monitoring the roadways after a week of heavy rains.
“We urge motorists if they see swift-moving water on the roadways to turn around, don’t drown,” Carson Smith, interim emergency manager, said. The department asks motorists to be aware of these flooded roadways as of Feb. 21:
• Willard Railroad Street at the Bridge of the Pender/Duplin County line
• 2356-3276 block of the Old Maple Hill Road
• 1600-3700 block Croomsbridge Road
• All of River Bend Drive
• All of River Birch Road
• All of Bear Run Road
• Riverview Drive along the river
• 485-510 block River Trail