Not just delicious: Why jelly doughnuts are the perfect Hanukkah treat
Hanukkah, a Jewish holiday of light and fried foods, begins today and if ever there s a year to fully embrace the small, calorie-laden comforts of hot, crispy latkes and gooey jelly-filled doughnuts, it s this one.
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Sure, fried dough can t fix this year. But it might make you forget about it for a moment
Posted: Dec 10, 2020 6:00 AM PT | Last Updated: December 10, 2020
Sufganiyot are jelly donuts eaten in Israel and around the world during Hanukkah. See close up of donuts in Sabra Kosher Bakery Vancouver bakery on 01 Dec 2020.(Gian Paolo Mendoza/CBC)
under an informal agreement based on the bank s founded 186 years ago in the u.s. it is to boost growth and overcome poverty. the fed is open to the idea of a third round of bond purchases to boost a still modest recovery, but the members remain divided over when or whether to take that step. the minutes of the fed s meeting from late january show that some fed officials thought that such bond purchases should begin soon, because the unemployment rate is high and inflation low, and others said that the step should only be take even if the economy is weak eped further or the fed s target rate of 2% is reached. the u.s. senate has confirmed the first cuban-born judge to the 2nd court of appeals in atlanta. the judge can confirmed today by a 95 94-5 vote after several days of procedural delays. sep or the rand paul, the republican of kentucky held up the confirmation, because he wanted to vote on a unrelated bill to deal with financial aid to egypt, and he has not been grant
columbia. during his extensive career he has been a financial correspondent in new york city, miami bureau chief and financial staff writer and columnist. he had every job. he has written about business, technology. among his many writings awards of the pulitzer prize on corruption in the music industry and the gerald loeb award for financial journalism and silver gavel from the american bar association. michael hiltzik s acclaimed books on the flight against social security, and a death in kenya. praise for his book has been enormous including the following. a sweeping, lively survey of the roosevelt administration s efforts to restart the american economy 81 years ago. a timely well executed overview of the program that laid the foundation for the modern progressive state. please welcome michael hiltzik. [applause] thank you for that kind introduction. thanks to all of you for coming out tonight. i have been saved by tivo. we are all here tonight for what should be a join