When you think about giving back to your community, you might consider volunteering at a local food bank, donating blood, cooking meals for a sick neighbor or writing a check
/PRNewswire/ With the help of the Jessie Rees Foundation, Smart Circle hosted an hour-long virtual Care Card event as part of their partnership with Jessie.
Like many dealer groups, the leadership at Carter Myers Automotive, CarMax and Victory Automotive Group barely had time to enjoy some Thanksgiving turkey, as they were involved either in store acquisitions or major philanthropy efforts.
Fisher & Paykel Healthcare staff are asked to wear CovidCards and face masks on site to minimise the chance of a disruption to production of its respiratory aids which are saving lives around the world.
Fisher & Paykel Healthcare has provided CovidCards to all its 4000 New Zealand staff so it can trace close contacts quickly if any of its staff are infected with Covid. Vice president Marcus Driller said the company needed to go “above and beyond” to reduce the risk of a manufacturing disruption because of its role in helping treat Covid around the world. “We are the leading provider of two of the primary respiratory therapies that are used to treat Covid and anything that stopped production at this time would impact patients globally,” he said.