This noon with breaking news from upper merion, police say that a pennsylvania turnpike worker was hit by a tractor trailer in the eastbound highway. We are looking live from chopper 6 hd you can see the truck under the overpass and what appears to be a turnpike dump truck on the scene, it looks like it was also hit by the tractor trailer along with this turnpike worker. Action news learned that the worker was conscious while being transported to the hospital. The accident is causing delays as police are on the scene to begin this investigation. This was on the eastbound side of the pennsylvania turnpike, here in upper merion, again there is a big backup here in the area as this investigation gets underway, Pennsylvania State police are there on the scene right now. Well continue to update this breaking news story on air and online at 6abc. Com. And now to the latest on the brutal killing of another american journalist at the hans of isis. The government has determined that steven sotl