A senior police officer said that in the early hours on Sunday, an accident took place on Rohtak Road (near Madipur metro station, in which a car was hit by a truck from behind. The PCR was informed and a team was sent to the spot. 📰 Delhi Hit-and-Run Case: Police Inspector Killed After Truck Hits His Car on Rohtak Road.
Man Suffered Life Threatening Injuries in Albert Lea Crash
Albert Lea, MN (KROC-AM News) - A crash on I-35 near Albert Lea resulted in life-threatening injuries.
The State Patrol says two cars were traveling south on the freeway when they collided Thursday morning. The roadway was slick due to snow and ice when the crash occurred shortly after 6 AM.
A 67-year-old man from the Menomonie Wisconsin area, Larry Albright, was transported to St. Marys Hospital with severe injuries. The State Patrol report indicates a man and woman from Mason City Iowa were in the other car and were not injured.