India News: The Enforcement Directorate (ED) has filed chargesheets against car designer Dilip Chhabria, his sister Kanchan Chhabria, and others in a money laundering case. The chargesheet alleges that the accused conspired with the interim resolution professional appointed by the National Company Law Tribunal (NCLT) and engaged in fraudulent activities, including staging a fire to defraud an insurer. The ED also claims that funds received from actor Kapil Sharma were used for loan repayments and personal expenses. The accused have been summoned by the court.
Car designer Dilip Chhabria gets bail but will remain in jail for now
Car designer Dilip Chhabria gets bail but will remain in jail for now
Dilip Chhabria has been granted bail by the Esplanade magistrate court in Mumbai. However, he will not be able to walk home free as he is yet to be granted bail in another case filed by comedian Kapil Sharma.
UPDATED: April 3, 2021 23:21 IST
Dilip Chhabria was first arrested on December 29 last year in connection with a car financing and dual registration racket. (File photo)
Popular car designer Dilip Chhabria has been granted bail by the Esplanade magistrate court in Mumbai, after over three months of his arrest by the Mumbai Police Crime Branch in connection with a
Court grants car designer Dilip Chhabria s sister bail in cheating case filed by comedian Kapil Sharma
Arrested on the basis of a complaint by comedian Kapil Sharma, car designer Dilip Chhabria s sister Kanchan is the CEO of Dilip Chhabria Design Pvt Ltd while Nihal Bajaj is a senior sales executive with the firm.
UPDATED: February 13, 2021 18:43 IST
[REPRESENTATIVE IMAGE] Comedia Kapil Sharma speaks to media after filing a complaint against Dilip Chhabria with the Mumbai Police on January 7, 2021 (Photo Credits: PTI)
Arrested along with car designer Dilip Chhabria for allegedly cheating comedian Kapil Sharma, Kanchan Harikishan Chhabria and Nihal Baldev Bajaj have been granted bail. While Chhabria s sister Kanchan is the CEO of Dilip Chhabria Design Private Limited, Nihal is a senior sales executive in the firm. The two were arrested on January 28 of this year.
Kapil was called for enquiry on January 7 by the police.
Kapil met the Crime Intelligence Unit (CIU) in charge API Sachin Waze and recorded his statements.
Kapil Sharma had registered a fake registration case against Dilip.
New Delhi: Comedian Kapil Sharma was recently summoned by the Crime branch of the Mumbai police to record statements against car designer Dilip Chhabria. The latter reportedly duped the comedian of over Rs 5 crores.
Dilip was arrested by the Mumbai police in connection with car finance and fake registration racket on December 29. Kapil was called for enquiry on January 7 by the police. He met the Crime Intelligence Unit (CIU) in charge API Sachin Waze and recorded his statements.
Ace car designer Dilip Chhabria arrested by Mumbai Police in cheating case
Dilip Chhabria, who is the owner of car modification studio DC , was booked under sections 420, 465, 467, 468, 471, 120 (B) and 34 of the IPC. (File photo)
Updated: Dec 29, 2020, 08:43 AM IST
Mumbai Police on Monday arrested acclaimed car designer Dilip Chhabria in an alleged cheating and forgery case.
A team of the Crime Intelligence Unit of Mumbai Crime Branch nabbed Chhabria following a complaint of cheating and forgery and also seized one of his luxury cars. The car is currently parked at the Mumbai Police headquarters.
Dilip Chhabria, who is the owner of car modification studio DC , was booked under sections 420, 465, 467, 468, 471, 120 (B) and 34 of the Indian Penal code.