We help you support public service mission it s easy to do at work or you can call us during business hours at 885526191 we have big plans for the coming year and we never forget that you make our work possible this is Southern Oregon University s Jefferson Public Radio 90 point one k.s.r. Ashland 88.31 and 91 point one Crescent City classical music and n.p.r. News. Good morning and this is 1st concert I m Don Now theories and thanks for joining me this morning on today s date and 8931 of the most beloved symphonies ever written that is by divorce shock he simply Number 9 subtitle from the New World had its 1st performance at Carnegie Hall in New York. Here is a performance on 1st concerts of this great symphony of divorce shock with the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra led by Paavo. You re. 4 doing to world. Where. One word more. Her. It is. Ily. The Symphony Number 9 in e. Minor subtitled from the new world of the need to for shock on j p r you heard the Cincinnati Symphony Orches
Missing But officials have given up hope of finding any of them alive plans to turn an area entries into an official village green look let such to be defeated residents claim the land in Falstaff street known as green field recreation has been used for at least 20 years for sports and pastimes meaning they have a right to safeguard it but countless meeting today say the application should be rejected the argument it s been used as a right of way doesn t stack up more than $2000000.00 pounds been spent improving a grade one listed hotel in Ludlow the father s close last year after an outbreak of Legionnaires disease in which a guest died the half timbered properties new owners crest hotels have replaced the plumbing alongside many other improvements and an opening part of the hotel since May so there are a ton of dying from Christ says they just received their 1st overnight guests which is a huge moment so many people affects me they can t wait for the furthest be open because try to
Just once I would like to have a philosophical discussion something illogical without you using the same old your the Catholic response it is so damned irritating Sydney every time your the Catholic Margaret I haven t sakes because I m a Catholic doesn t mean I don t have doubts and questions about the tragic nature of life I ve seen too much of this world not to have questions to ponder justice you insult my use of experience and my intelligence sorry I am a far more complicated person than you give me credit for I know I m sorry sometimes I think that you assume because I took a vow of chastity as a young woman that I can t really comprehend what these girls have gone through I never said that you didn t need to it s in your arrogance arrogance to patronize me sometimes Sydney how you think a woman has had to have had sex with a man to understand the trauma that these little girls have experience that s not true no no but yes Ok. Maybe in some ways I see your life as a bit of a shel
I don t know what the hell is wrong with you. People who absolutely positively have to take a chance. Because you re listening. To. Them. Very long. Story. The mean karaoke. Yes. Kerry I try to remain difficulty but I love that. I like Lauryn Hill. Graduated from college she started her own karaoke shop called Banana Boat But you know when I started my own business I announced. I will create all my job when I would have been age of thought and I m going to start my 2nd life. Here So she did. In 2000 she flew to Calcutta India taking just a small suitcase she knocked on the front door of an orphanage and started her new life as a volunteer she spent over a year. There then worked with AIDs patients in Thailand and Cambodia and then her work took her to Baghdad on May 1st 2003 the day President Bush made his mission accomplished speech major combat operations. And. Now hopeful went to Iraq even though her home country Japan with the Bigley worn travelers not to go she wasn t with any of
Welcome to the factory and Panicker end of space for young Cambodians we re here for heart and soul gathering from the b.b.c. World Service I m going to like that and they re here with a panel of guests and an audience to discuss how Buddhism is developing in Cambodia we have been in a war and we want to move on because and there is the one quart in the boat that is saying the past has gone the future has not yet come so what we need to concentrate is today and how Buddhism is relevant to young people here there are many moments on social media here in Cambodia where we see young people questioning the validity of. This hour you ll hear a conversation with young Buddhist on Wyland healing identity women and gender as well as views on the role of monks join me for the heart and soul gathering from Cambodia after it is you too can join into the discussion using the hash tag b.b.c. Heart and soul. Hello this is David Alston with the b.b.c. News an emergency meeting is being held by motor