Telecommunications legal summary including calls to Reclassify 911 Telecommunicators, Tribal Broadband Grants, CPF Grants, ECF Funding and more about the business ot telecom and compliance
FCC draft Order and Notice of Proposed Rulemaking proposing rules to increase the accessibility performance and functionality of Wireless Emergency Alerts. USDT compliance guidance on broadband projects funded through Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds
FCC legal authority to conduct auctions expired Thursday. FCC announced $66 million in funding for Affordable Connectivity Program. FCC Wireless Telecommunications Bureau received RFP regarding Reimbursement Clearinghouses in 3.45 GHz band transition.
Colorado Office of the Attorney General approved new rules for basic emergency service network reliability. Colorado Public Utilities Commission approved order adopting rules that establish tariff-based mechanism for basic emergency service network reliability improvements BESP.
FCC Enforcement Bureau takes action against Pacific Data Systems for failure to file with Universal Service Administrative Company. FCC seeks comments on how to improve E-Rate program for tribal applicants. FCC considers rules for 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline outages.