Be specific, and just to be mindful of time, noting especially that our muni equity strategy is our last agenda item, and i would like us to give that item sufficient attention, and id like to get to that item at a reasonable hour. So thank you all in advance for your cooperation and support on moving efficiently through our agenda. Please call the roll. The roll director Heminger Heminger present director henderson here. Henderson. Present. Director henry. Here. Kinsey. Present. Director. So here. So present. Chair. Eken. Here. Eken. Present. Director. Tarloff is not expected today, but may join this later. After. Later this afternoon. We are expecting director shortly. For the record, i note that director hinchey is attending this meeting remotely. Director hinsey is reminded that she must appear on camera throughout the meeting and in order to speak or vote on any items, places you on item number three. The ringing and use of cell phones and similar sound producing Electronic Device
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