The Keystone Policy Center released a new report that found less than 20% of homes in Colorado are valued at a price that is affordable for teachers earning an average salary.
In the Nutmeg State we have to contend with cold weather, ridiculous taxes, a crumbling transportation infrastructure, entitled youth, and Land's End sweaters. If that isn't enough we still have to battle national and international issues like COVID-19 and record gas prices, NOW THIS!!!
Am I interested in what is up there? What people do? Sure, but just repeating what I've heard isn't the way. I'll continue to make my jokes about people, places and things but I don't want to pile on to an unfair fight.
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A protest that started in a neighborhood in the Bay Ridge neighborhood of Brooklyn, New York, which has a large Arabic-speaking community, continued through the streets for several hours on Saturday afternoon. Footage on social media showed people had climbed up the poles of street lights to wave flags while others set off fireworks. As the sun set, some protesters walked onto the Interstate 278 shutting down traffic in at least on direction, according to video posted online.
Bella Hadid, a well-known Palestinian-American model, participated in the Brooklyn protest.
The marches coincided with Nakba Day, which commemorate the 1948 displacement of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians amid Israel’s declaration of independence.