The fellowship stipend at IIT Madras was last hiked in 2019. The stipend amount should be revised every four years, but there has been no hike so far this year.
It is also stated that he submitted his PhD thesis on March 3, 2023. Thereafter, On March 10, the Registrar issued a Memorandum imposing a penalty of debarment from taking any University, College, or Departmental Examinations for one year, the plea said. Screening Banned of BBC Documentary On PM Narendra Modi Amounts to Gross Indiscipline Inside Campus: Delhi University to High Court.
The Delhi University has told the Delhi High Court that screening of a recent BBC documentary on Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his alleged role in the 2002 Gujarat riots inside the campus amounts.
In the vast majority of countries across the world, universities are places where faculty, students and staff are free to study and pursue whatever passions most drive them. They are where students are prepared to enter the fields of their choosing and to make themselves and the world around them better. In general, universities, especially ones that stand for values like Cornell’s, are places where the free exchange of ideas must thrive.
As a result, Cornell must also be a place where students learn to advocate for their ideas in a civil, compassionate, respectful space. We need to become better at communicating our ideas on the merits of the ideas themselves, rather than as vehicles for personal grievances. So I wanted to talk about a trend that I’ve been noticing in our campus politics, one that increasingly threatens that civil exchange of ideas: Whataboutism and false equivalency.