again, i want to wish you a very merry christmas. i have some beautiful pens over here. and because all of these folks are either continuing to work down the road or getting ready to leave and i m sure they ll work hard also, i think i m probably going to hand some of them to the press. media, would any of the media like look at these camera guys. but i think we ll do that. so we have them. many of you have worked very hard. many of you have worked very, very fairly and we really appreciate that. so here you go, folks. you want the box with it or not, huh? can you talk about how much you ll travel to sell this tax plan? i don t think i m going to have to travel too much to sell it. i think it s selling itself. it s becoming very popular. but you ll see something on february 1st when you open up your paycheck, that s when you ll see it. by signing it now, it kicks in for this year. remember, if we didn t make a certain date, it wouldn t kick
spangled banner yet wave [cheers] o er the land of the free [cheers] > and the home of the brave [cheers and applause] steve: that is progress. nobody on the field actually took a knee, which is great. keep in mind, aaron rogers was asking the packers team to lock arms and everybody in the stadium for social justice. that s what that was all about. as it turns out people in the crowd, a few of them did. and the camera guys were desperately trying to find people. as you can see most people had their hands over their heart. a lot of people sang along.
thank you. why are people on that side of the river so afraid of the agori? i see. feels like a mistake. maybe just somebody distracts him and i just leave. i can be very polite about it. i have the camera guys cracking up. everyone is cracking up, and also a little scared, thankful you re still with us. stop it. what was going on there?
the conversations will help drive a live town hall tonight on cnn called the messy truth. van jones joins me now with a preview. van, you are a strong supporter in barack obama. a life long democrat who voted for president obama and voted for donald trump. he said it was an issue of trust. he said, in a way that was so heart-breaking that even the camera guys welled up. he said she hurt us because she did not speak to the pain they were feeling with their factories closing, losing their jobs and donald trump did. he said that was it. i tell you, you think about trump supporters, lock her up, lock her up, the anger. you don t hear the pain. you don t hear the other deeper emotions of feeling left out and forgotten. we got down to that. the truth is messy. there is some nasty elements in that trump movement. we ve talked about that a lot. but there are some beautiful
[ cheers and applause ] it s true. but i would never kill them and anybody that does, i think would be despicable. there you go. more dehumanizing rhetoric from donald trump taking on clinton and the media in his vitriolic way. only boosting him with his base. but will his front-runner status continue to 16? let me bring in susan paige and our own chris matthews. he s got a special hardball edition of sorts which we ll get into. this is a highly produced program. i really like the light and you got camera guys here. this is big time. he s nittic approxima ipicki things here. no, there s a lot of square footage here. [ laughter ] before we get to trump and his rhetoric, let s talk about this where the year began in presidential politics, outsiders versus establishment. the establishment, 22%, rubio, christie and bush together.