Shares of Reliance Industries fell as much as 4.2 per cent to hit an intraday low of Rs 2,368.20 on the BSE on Monday as the country's largest firm decided to halt a stake sale in its oil-to-chemicals business (O2C) to Saudi Arabia's Aramco and pulled back from a potential spinoff of its most profitable unit.
Shares of Reliance Industries fell 4.2 percent on Monday as India's largest firm halted a stake sale in its oil-to-chemicals business to Saudi Arabia's Aramco and pulled back from a potential spinoff of its most profitable unit. The move to monetize its oil business two years ago by selling a 20 percent stake for roughly $15 billion to the world's biggest oil exporter was part
In a late evening filing to BSE, the company stated that 98.03 per cent shareholders voted in favour of his appointment, and 1.96 per cent voted against it.
BENGALURU: India's Reliance Industries Ltd said on Thursday that a required majority of its shareholders have passed a resolution to appoint Saudi Aramco Chairman Yasir Al-Rumayyan as an independent director to the conglomerate's board. A little over 98% of the total votes polled on the resolution were in favour of Al-Rumayyan's addition, Reliance said in a statement
Reliance-Aramco Deal: A majority of Reliance's shareholders have passed the resolution to appoint Saudi Aramco Chairman Yasir Al-Rumayyan as an independent director