The word Kaanum means viewing and seeing. In Tamil Nadu, this day is also known as Virgin Pongal or Kanni Pongal. As you celebrate Kaanum Pongal 2023, we at LatestLY have curated a collection of images and HD wallpapers for free download online that you can share as wishes, greetings, WhatsApp messages and SMS with family and friends. Kaanum Pongal 2023 Images and HD Wallpapers for Free Download Online: Share Wishes, WhatsApp Messages, Greetings and SMS on the Last Day of Pongal Festival.
Thai Pongal festivities are celebrated with much avidity and gusto by the Tamil population in the South Indian states. On the third day of the occasion, Mattu Pongal is devoted to worshipping bulls, cows and oxen. Farmers honour their cattle by celebrating it as a day of thanksgiving to them. 🙏🏻 When Is Mattu Pongal 2023? Know Date, Jallikattu Festival Rituals and Significance of The Third Day of Tamilian Harvest Festival.
President Droupadi Murmu on Thursday greeted citizens on Lohri, Makar Sankranti, Magh Bihu, and Pongal, and wished that the festivals bind different communities in the bonds of love, harmony and affection. Lohri, Makar Sankranti, Magh Bihu, Pongal 2023 Greetings: President Droupadi Murmu Greets Citizens Ahead of Harvest Festivals.