Charleston Southern University s Dewey Center for Chaplaincy developed a post-traumatic stress training that was brought to the front lines in Ukraine.
Christian nationalist parachurch orgs prey on the military. Church/state separation is under constant assault. A just-won battle highlights the lack of a Biden dividend for religious freedom.
While Hunter served in the U.S. military, Jessica cared for their children at home. But raising a family on one income was difficult, especially when both of their cars needed extensive repairs. That’s when the couple turned to prayer. Thanks to compassionate partners like you, CBN’s Helping the Home Front soon reached out with good news!
E-4 Specialist Cooper is proud to serve in the U.S. Army. He and his wife, Alexis, faced a financial nightmare when both their car and truck broke down, leaving this young family without reliable transportation. See how you became a blessing and the answer to their prayers.