"Young people have a voice and should use it. As a matter of fact they have a larger voice now then in 1960. There was no social media in 1960," McCain Jr. said.
Sixty-four years ago, four North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University freshmen staged a sit-in at a Woolworth in Greensboro to fight segregation. The school commemorated the anniversary today with a conversation about social justice.
School officials said that the all-male high school on the campus of N.C A&T will be renamed as the A&T Four Middle College at North Carolina A&T State University.
The Middle College at North Carolina A&T State University will change its name to honor four former students whose sit-in made civil rights history. The Guilford County Board of Education has unanimously approved a measure renaming the school as “The A&T Four Middle College at North Carolina A&T State University.”